Preparing for CDS

Preparing for CDS

Whether you’re migrating from CFSP Data Interchange, coming from an alternative system or completely new to electronic import/export declarations, there are a number of steps to take to get ready to use the system.

Prepare yourselves

  1. Register for an EORI for CDS

  2. Request and be aware of your authorisations and licenses

  3. Register for CDS

  4. See ‘Deferment holder preparation’ below

  5. Ensure you’re running Vision Bond version 5.6.7+

Prepare your customers

Any of your customers with their own deferment will also need to do the following before you’re able to switch systems, they should:

  1. Register for CDS and follow the ‘get access’ instructions

  2. See ‘Deferment holder preparation below’

  3. Ensure they’ve setup authorisation for to you to use their deferment in CDS (even if there won’t be any customs duty due on the declarations you intend to submit)

Deferment holder preparation

Set up a Direct Debit for a Duty Deferment Account. If their Direct Debit Instruction does not require multiple signatures, they will be able to set up their Direct Debit through the Customs Declaration Service Financials Dashboard, following registration. Once registered for CDS, all accounting information can be viewed on your customs financial accounts dashboard.

Further information about having multiple direct debits setup with HMRC has been supplied in the letter below:

Before going live check with Customs (cdoenquiries@hmrc.gov.uk) that there are no ‘inhibits’ for the deferments you’ll use in CDS.

Migrating to CDS from CHIEF

Customers migrating from CHIEF to CDS have all been contacted by now and their go live dates scheduled. Keep an eye on our CDS Implementation page for updates as we migrate customers.

Fresh CDS integration

Customers who have not previously integrated with CHIEF nor CDS can request from our support team to be setup to link to CDS: Requesting Support.

As CHIEF will be redundant shortly we will not be setting up any customers to use that system.

Testing after we’ve setup your system

HMRC run a ‘Live' environment for CDS and also a separate ‘TDR’ (Trader Dress Rehearsal) environment. The TDR environment is used for traders to test their system setup & integration prior to switching over to the ‘Live’ environment.

See Trader Dress Rehearsal for more information.

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