Trader Dress Rehearsal
TDR allows customers to use a snapshot of the live HMRC CDS system to submit real world examples to in a test environment. Due to the learning curve between we insist that TDR is performed before going live also to relieve Ontech from any claims that, for example:
Users haven’t had sufficient training / testing time
Users haven’t had the opportunity to ask how the system works / how to handle declaration rejections
Users weren’t aware of how CDS may handle declarations differently to CFSP and result in customs duty not / being charged or declarations being submitted with the correct information
Starting TDR
When we link your live system to HMRC’s TDR environment we’ll perform some initial tests to ensure your data flows through as it should. If (through this small initial test) we notice any problems in your data requiring resolution we’ll let you know. As soon your system is linked we’ll email HMRC’s to inform them of the your main contact for them to provide assistance to.
We recommend starting by reading Using CDS day-to-day to learn & familiarise yourselves with the new system, most customers find this enough however if a training session is required it can be requested.
Vision Bond will come pre-configured for our typical customer profile, be aware of these by checking out Configuring CDS. During initial testing these settings won’t matter too much, however it’s compulsory that you check they’re correct and suitable for your organisation especially before going live.
Differences between TDR & live
Each time you click the ‘Import’ button it can bring through a selection of random customs duty payments (which haven’t already been imported) from your live data:
Running v5.6.7 and below, a small fixed number of transactions will be created
Running v5.6.8+, we recommend using the field shown on screen to limit the number of declarations imported. e.g. to import 10 transactions, enter 10 into the field.
Customers migrating from CFSP to CDS
HMRC not given any requirements about what traders should check during TDR, no requirements in order to go live, and have not even insisted that traders perform a test in TDR before going live.
During TDR, you can continue to use CFSP for the real live transactions as you have been doing.
Our Guidance
During TDR we recommend customers to test all scenarios they intend to use in the live system, for example:
Using the warehouse deferment
Using customer deferments
Declarations resulting in zero & positive customs duty value charges payable
Declarations with quotas
Declarations with preferences
Declarations with all commodity types (not necessarily all commodity codes but at least one of each similar group of commodity codes) - i.e. Wines & Spirits, Beers, high strength beers, beers with small producer relief etc
It’s inevitable that some declarations will be rejected and this will give you a good opportunity to get used to fixing them.
Customers migrating from CFSP to CDS
Once sufficient tests have been performed get in contact with our support team to provide a comparison of customs duty payment values returned from CFSP vs CDS. This will highlight any differences for you to look into why they’ve occurred to ensure that when going live you’re submitting everything correctly.
Go live
See: Going live with CDS
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