VB Pre v4
Here you will be able to view the documentation showing all changes that have been made to Vision Bond. The documents list details of bug fixes, improvements and new features that have been implemented in order to enhance the way that Vision Bond works. Where a new feature has been added, you will be able to link directly to the user manual page giving details of how the new feature works and what it does. You will also be able to view the details of changes which are due to take place in future releases of Vision Bond. |
Release 3.6.10 (08/05/2017)
UID | Summary | Issue Type | Affects Version/s | Affects Version/s | Description | Linked From | Configuration Needed | Licensed Module |
VB-709 | System Delivery Address > DP Account Ref | Issue | When setting up System Delivery Addresses, there is a limit of 8 characters on the Delivery Point field. On an Order the system allows for 30 characters in this field | No | No | |||
VB-687 | Period End - Refresh data for W1 report files | Issue | Customer is having issues when trying to run Period End on one machine, all other machines fine, error being received when trying to generate the form is: Generating W1 Form ....... PERIOD END PROCESSING FAILED PLEASE CHECK THE BELOW ERROR: Error: Database logon failed. There was an error in the customer data which was not being correctly dealt with and only applied when a new machine was used with a local installation. Now resolved | VSUP-949 | No | No | ||
VB-737 | Stock movements - Failure | Bug | 3.6.9 | When stock is landed in free circulation and customs duty paid, if you then apply duty stamps to the stock the system will notify in the background that it failed to move the posting to Bond. | No | No | ||
VB-734 | eAAD submission generation | Bug | 3.6.9 | When generating an eAAD draft XML file for submission to EMCS the folder path does not appear to be taking account what is mentioned in the configuration | VSUP-1998 | No | No | |
VB-721 | CFSP FSD - Invalid late submissions | Bug | When generating an FSD, the figures against the late submissions will be invalid. The calculation method has been changed to fix this. | No | No | |||
VB-718 | Fiscal mark field being on eAAD draft | Bug | Noticed with eAAD submissions that the fiscal mark field is being set incorrectly, after reviewing below documentation change will need to be made to the field. https://www.gov.uk/guidance/receiving-storing-and-moving-excise-goods#uk-duty-stamps-and-fiscal-marks | VSUP-1835 | No | No | ||
VB-717 | Mismatch causing error ARC - VW to VB | Bug | Issue noticed where data was being joined together incorrectly causing an error which resulted in ARC information not going over from VW to VB | VSUP-1847 | No | No | ||
VB-707 | FSD - Wrong trader location | Bug | 3.6.8 | When producing the FSD(s), the trader location is intermittently incorrect, it is always using the same value regardless of the site it's for. | No | No | ||
VB-703 | Reprocessing CFSP response file | Bug | Reprocessing a CFSP response file when it has already been processed, will rollback previously rejected CFSPs to awaiting amendment. | No | No | |||
VB-702 | VAT Field length | Bug | 3.6.7 | 3.6.9 | Changes were made in VB-509 to allow for an increase on the VAT Registration No from 10 to 20 characters, however the SAD process was missed and this is preventing the SADs from being generated when the VAT Reg No length is greater than 10. | VSUP-1388 | No | No |
VB-690 | Transactions - Archive Warrant Information | Bug | 3.6.8 | 3.6.9 | When loading Archived Transaction the relevant Warrant details (both Archived and Live) are not being displayed onto the screen. This means that the users cannot view the details of the Warrant associated with these transactions | VSUP-1105 | No | No |
VB-688 | Day End - Duty demands with surcharges | Bug | If a customer deferment is set up without a nominal it will cause the deferment records against the transaction to not show correctly on there. | VSUP-1028 | No | No | ||
VB-673 | EMCS - Unsatisfactory reasons | Bug | EMCS Data Interchange > Receipts The 'Unsatisfactory reason' data section is not visible on screen. So when users have an RoR which fails submission with reason "Invalid data in Unsatisfactory Reason" they cannot correct it. | No | No |
Release 3.6.9 (12/12/2016)
VB-685 - This fix relates to DAN prefix for W5 submmissions. In certain circumstances the DAN prefix would end up as NULL or incorrect when the warehouse keeper is the owner of the goods.
A customer should only be the owner of ONE deferment in VW at any one time.
This means if you need to provide a customer a CASH deferment (likely around Christmas) then you need to remove the customer as the owner of the HMRC deferment and make them the owner of the cash deferment.
If a customer has authority to charge another deferment then they must NEVER be the owner of the other deferment but must have the authority to charge and be on the lower panel of the deferment they can charge to.
Release 3.6.8 (10/11/2016)
UID | Summary | Issue Type | Affects Version/s | Description | Linked to | Changes to be made | Configuration Needed | FusionUID | Licensed Module |
VB-681 | Missing eAAD | Bug | New incoming eAADs are sometimes failing to save, when the LocalReferenceNumber already exists in the database. | VSUP-615 | No | No | |||
VB-672 | Unable to print W5 documents | Bug | When trying to print W5's there is sometimes an error message | VSUP-579 | No | VSUP-579 | No | ||
VB-666 | Deferment Surcharge Changes | Bug | After the Cash Surcharge was modified on a Deferment, Duty Demands are still being generated using the old Cash Surcharge rate. | No | VSUP-348 | No | |||
VB-665 | Report Of Receipt | Bug | When a Report of Receipt is generated with Unsatisfactory conclusion is created for less than the full amount of lines from VW, the Report of Receipt will fail submission in Vision Bond. This looks to be because when the data is being posted over to Vision Bond it is not filtering down the data to only insert the lines that have an issue on them. | VCC-4 | No | VSUP-307 | No | ||
VB-661 | Number of Packages field issues | Issue | 3.6.7 | Two problems have been identified relating to the 'NumberOfPackages' field for in the EMCS module. 1) Submissions for 'VL' package type eAADs (bulk / vessel) are returning the following error from HMRC: "Sequence Number or Number of Packages is missing or incorrect". This is because we're submitting the 'NumberOfPackages' field when it's not required for some package types. 2) When resubmitting eAADs there is some validation in the EMCS screen which is showing an error to the user that a value is required in the Number of Packages field, but when they re-enter (overtype) the existing values and tab off of the field the error is cleared. | No | No | |||
VB-659 | Manual Report of Receipt | Bug | When trying to create a manual Report of Receipt for an ARC the user is receiving an error regarding a column not belonging to a table. This is preventing the creation of a manual Report of Receipt. | No | VSUP-129 | No | |||
VB-655 | ARCs Diverted by Consignor | Bug | Issue noticed regarding 803 messages from EMCS coming into Vision Bond. Some ARCs are being diverted on the gateway by the Consignor but this information has not been updated onto Vision Bond, this leaves the ARCs at a status of Reminder for Report of Receipt. They are incorrectly at this status as the Consignor has changed the consignee so these ARCs wll not complete on VB | No | BDS-223-54634 | No | |||
VB-654 | Process ARC data | Bug | 3.6.7 | Its noted that when processing an ARC using the Missing eAADs scrren ,nothing get processed. | No | No | |||
VB-651 | Movement Guarantor 'Consignor' | Bug | When the 'Consignor' is selected as the guarantor, the customer details are incorrectly sent as the guarantor instead of the warehouse company details. | No | No | ||||
VB-650 | EMCS - Change the Destination when pending cancellation | Issue | Customer had an ARC that was sitting at Cancellation rejected with a reason code of Date of Dispatch must not be in the past. This is because an ARC cannot be cancelled of the DoD has been reached. Usually the customer will need to redirect the ARC back to themselves however they are unable to submit a change of destination to the ARC as there are only options to Amend or to cancel the ARC. | We should look at the conditions when Chance of Destination is allowed to be clicked, and open up those conditions to allow the CoD when the status is in (9,11) | No | LZE-258-89180 | No | ||
VB-632 | EMCS Pre-validate error | Issue | The pre-validate always responds to the usre with 'Trader Id is invalid' even if a valid ID is used. | No | No | ||||
VB-605 | IE871 not processing | Bug | In the attached GetNewMessage file the IE871Type ARC= 16GB00000000030189068 data is not inserting any data into the tblEMCSExplanationOnReasonForShortageHeader /details table. | No | No |
Release 3.6.7 (12/08/2016)
UID | Notes | Fusion ID |
VB-643 | EMCS Records when filtering it was realised that depending on options selected it was possible to not see some of the records. | |
VB-642 | An additional FSD for CFSP is being generated | XXA-297-44189 |
VB-635 | Processing an inbound ARC cancellation message | |
VB-631 | EMCS Receipts > Shortage Reason button not working | |
VB-630 | EMCS Receipts Inward / Outwards filter | |
VB-627 | Deferment owner code not being set in VB if no owner on deferment. Removed the requirement that insists there has to be a deferment owner, this should never be required | UQI-701-83259 |
Release 3.6.6 (17/06/2016)
Urgent releases for the following which were issues caused by 3.6.5
VB-615 - duty calculations rounding to 2 decimals
VB-614 - EMCS unable to process IE704 messages.
VB-625 - Excise Product code is blank in Report of Receipt as it is not being sent from Warehousing.
Release 3.6.5 (06/06/2016)
This must be installed with VW v4.3.1 or later, this will NOT work with an earlier version of VW.
Key | Summary | Issue Type | Affects Version/s | Fix Version/s | Release Notes | FusionUID | Apply License | System Config |
VB601 | W1 Production Slow | Issue | 3.6.4 | 3.6.5 | Customer was timing out when trying to generate the W1 form during Period End. Added a new index to speed up the generation | VGA-829-14013 | No | No |
VB595 | ARC Submission - Package Type VL | Bug | 3.6.5 | Sending an ARC for Bulk Liquid, was using the quantity as the package quantity, however the eAAD was rejected with "Error type" item4447 Invalid number of packages for a countable flag. After investigation we found that the NumberOfPackages and the Quantity are being calculated incorrectly. This is now set to 1 | DFQ-702-48411 | No | No | |
VB593 | Form C88 - SAD for Exports | Bug | 3.6.4 | 3.6.5 | If duty paid stock is on an export order, the C88's will not print due to the total picked lines not matching the total movement lines. Modifications to the process have been made to print the SAD forms. | LQA-571-79808 | No | No |
VB591 | CFSP - FSD Linking | Bug | 3.6.4 | 3.6.5 | CFSP declarations are not being correctly linked to the FSDs in the background. | N/A | No | No |
VB590 | CFSP - FSD (Date) | Bug | 3.6.5 | FSD file generated has produced incorrect data. FSD file and database table shows a date of 20160301 when it should be 20160401 | DSS-939-69400 | No | No | |
VB584 | EMCS - Return of Receipts | Bug | 3.6.5 | An RoR submission submits to HMRC and is initially accepted, later when we ask for new messages, we receive a failure message, in some scenarios this is not updating VB. | No | No | ||
VB583 | EMCS - Searching for RoR | Bug | 3.6.5 | If the user enters an ARC and ticks both Inwards and Outwards, clicks search, no result is retrieved. Untick one, and the result is then retrieved. | No | No | ||
VB580 | Duty - ExciseDefermentOwnerCode | Bug | 3.6.4 | 3.6.5 | Customer had an issue where when trying to view some W5D data on VCIS belonging to themselves the data was not being displayed. Upon checking this customer set-up it was noted that they use a deferment belonging to a different customer When looking in the transaction detail records it it noted that the deferment owner code on the records was actually the deferment account. Although this was caused by bad user setup practises we have had to implement the process differently to ensure that this works. | RIJ-599-93146 | No | No |
VB579 | EMCS - Service System Error - Object reference not set to instance | Bug | 3.6.5 | An error is shown in the stack trace after re-processing the EMCS failure due to a time out, relating to the IE801 message. The error now resolved was: at VisionWorkflow.Services.EMCSServices.SaveCD801Message(IE801Type cd801AMessage, String exciseRegistrationNo) in C:\DeveloperProjects\arun\WorkflowForBond\VisionWorkflowForBond\VisionWorkflowForBond\VisionWorkflow.Services\EMCSServices.cs:line 1197 at VisionWorkflow.Services.EMCSServices.ProcessFailedMessage(ProcessingFailure[] failedeAADsSelected) in C:\DeveloperProjects\arun\WorkflowForBond\VisionWorkflowForBond\VisionWorkflowForBond\VisionWorkflow.Services\EMCSServices.cs:line 294 I have compared the Getmessages sent for ARC 16GB00000000029428839 to the record in the EMCSeAADHeader (PKEMCSeAADHeader = 453662) and I cannot find any discrepancies, nor any issue with the excise registration number | YLT-590-77079 | No | No | |
VB575 | CFSP - Failures | Bug | 3.6.5 | When a CFSP declaration is rejected by HMRC and re-inserted into Vision Bond it is stripping off some fields, this is causing the declarations to be rejected again. The below fields were having their data removed from the second entry in the database: DeclarantRepresentationMethod FreightCostExRate InsuranceCostExRate VICertificateNumber VICertificateStatus DeclarantTurnNumber CFSPTraderRole PreferenceCertificateNumber | KAS-925-43287 | No | No | |
VB574 | Duty - Small Brewery >30000 | Bug | 3.6.4 | 3.6.5 | The Duty Rate Calculation for Small Brewery Beer for Suppliers in Excess of 30000 hectolitres is incorrect. | WMD-705-19377 | No | No |
VB572 | CFSP - Rejections Currency | Bug | 3.6.4 | 3.6.5 | CFSP rejections are showing a 'TotalInvoiceCurrency' as two characters instead of three, it's cutting off the final character. TotalInvoiceCurrency as GB instead of GBP | MYB-108-92164 | No | No |
VB569 | EMCS Inwards ARC - Manufacturing | Bug | 3.6.3 | 3.6.5 | Inwards ARCs on system generated POs for Xfer and Manufacturing not posting to Vision Bond When a Pre-Advice is created by the system for either of the above order types, if there is an ARC on the order it was not sending to Vision Bond for the ARC to be completed. | DJF-966-52692 | No | No |
VB568 | CFSP - Resubmissions ASGCode | Bug | 3.6.5 | Customer noticed a problem when amending CFSP entries that had been rejected. After amending the declarations and re-submitting they were rejected again however the reason for the rejection this time looks to be because the ASGCode has been set to 1 instead of being the correct value it should be. | PAG-949-61374 | No | No | |
VB559 | CFSP - FSD - Late submissions | Bug | 3.6.4 | 3.6.5 | FSD file shows incorrect Information in the 'late submissions' section. This was showing more than there should have been. | EPB-335-51534 | No | No |
Release 3.6.4 (03/03/2016)
Key | Summary | Issue Type | Affects Version/s | Fix Version/s | FusionUID | Apply License | System Config Option | Customer | Release Notes |
VB555 | Manufacturing Movements | Bug | 3.6.4 | No | No | Manufacturing movements are not being included in the figures reported on the W1 report. | |||
VB554 | Sage Accounts Extract | Bug | 3.6.4 | No | No | When regenerating an accounts extract, the output takes all excise deferments as cash when they may not be. | |||
VB552 | e-AAD reSubmissions issue | Bug | 3.6.3 | 3.6.4 | FNN-713-46858 | No | No | e-AAD resubmissions are failing showing a 0 quantity when amending, when the only 0 in the quantity is at the start of the quantity E.G 0.22 | |
VB549 | W5D Small Brewery Calculation | Bug | 3.6.3 | 3.6.4 | XKA-922-78663 | No | No | LCB | Minus Figures on W5D due to issue with calculation of tax rate for small brewery stock |
VB546 | CFSP Supplier information | Issue | 3.6.3 | 3.6.4 | FEY-263-16560 | No | No | OCT | Customer has some CFSP Declarations that have failed with the below errors: Error found in Supplier Details field for the Declaration=48857.Segment NAD:Name and Address E2964 ALL NAME AND ADDRESS DETAILS MUST BE COMPLETED The customer cannot amend the data causing this issue. |
VB545 | Cannot amend and Resubmit a Report of Receipt | Bug | 3.6.3 | 3.6.4 | VRO-686-75051 | No | No | LCB | When amending an Report of Receipt for re-submission an error is thrown up saying "Errors have been found on this form, please check;" Checking the Receipt on the Detail section it can be seen that the error is: Observed shortage or excess cannot be zero value Refused quantity cannot be zero value However no shortage or excess is present on the receipt, so it should not be validating. |
VB542 | Unable to amend Quantity field on EMCS Data Interchange | Bug | 3.6.3 | 3.6.4 | EJZ-609-46217 | No | No | LCB | When amending an eAAD draft the quantity field cannot be amended. Due to VW-2162 customer has incorrect quantities that need to be changed but these cannot be done. |
VB539 | SAD Printing | Bug | 3.6.4 | DJD-238-21857 | No | No | Bond docs not printing due to customs duty only(No stock) being included in transactionwarrantdetails | ||
VB534 | e-AAD sequence number | Issue | 3.6.1, 3.6.4 | No | No | The sequence number fiend needs to be set to 1 when the data is brought over from VW into VB. | |||
VB533 | Field Length Consistency across products | Issue | 3.6.4 | No | No | The transaction warrant detail Consignee name needs to be expanded to accomodate 50 characters to be consistent with the main application | |||
VB532 | ARC requests for manufacturing orders | Issue | 3.6.4 | No | No | ARC requests for manufacturing orders should not be imported to Vision Bond until the pre advice has been created. | |||
VB531 | Updating delivery with ARC | Bug | 3.5.5 | 3.6.4 | No | No | The delivery update does not appear to be happening. | ||
VB530 | Declarant not required customer using their own deferment to pay customs duty on CFSP | Bug | 3.6.4 | No | No | If a customer is using their own deferment to pay customs duty on CFSP, ie the representative is 'Declarant', the declarant section of the file is not required. | |||
VB527 | W1 report not sent when W1A sent out | Issue | 3.6.4 | No | No | System was no longer sending the W1 email when running the Period End in January, instead the email with subject 'W1 Report' is sent but the attached pdf is the W1A report. | |||
VB526 | Duty Demand not being raised for Customs Duty Movements on Pre-Advice | Bug | 3.5.4, 3.5.5 | 3.6.4 | HFI-399-46512 | No | No | LCB | Customer raised an issue where a Pre-Advice was receipted into stock, for a customer code that is set-up to create customs duty payments upon receipt. All movements were correctly created and posted over to Vision Bond. Day End was run for the day of the movements, however no Duty Demand was created for the transaction, and by extension there was no record on the Duty Cash Deferment. |
VB521 | Period end resets the rotation number at year end | Bug | 3.5.3, 3.5.4 | 3.6.4 | BIV-900-61698 | No | No | LCB, SWL | It appears both the stock snap shot import and the period end reset the rotation numbers at year end. This can potentially cause an issue with duplicate rotation numbers if stock is landed in the new year before the period end has been run. VW-2166 has been logged to make VW reset the rotation numbers itself, VB will be changed to not reset the rotation numbers at all. |
VB520 | EMCS Data Interchange/Failures needs further work | Bug | 3.6.4 | BBS-410-42504 | No | No | 1. The Failures screen has critical columns which are not being populated, such as ARC, Error Message, Audit Details. 2, Re-Processing does not appear to do anything. | ||
VB517 | Timeout can cause duplicated CFSP entries | Bug | 3.6.4 | WFW-787-54716 | No | No | LCB | When accepting CFSP declarations on Vision Bond if a timeout occurs it is possible the declarations can be duplicated |
Release 3.6.0 (11/02/2016)
Modifications for the EMCS FS3.2 changes.
Release 3.5.5 (22/01/2016)
Key | Summary | Issue Type | Affects Version/s | Fix Version/s | FusionUID | Apply License | System Config | Release Notes |
VB524 | Requesting ARCs for manufacturing orders | Issue | 3.5 | 3.5.5 | No | No | Manufacturing orders require ARCs to be requested after pick confirmation, currently they are sent as soon as they're picked. Customers who do manufacturing orders will have a system setting which prevents all orders from having an ARC requested until the order is pick confirmed. In addition, manufacturing orders must take a number of fields from the receiving pre advice, for example the package type , and number of packages too, quantity, etc, and not from the order, as the order contains the vessel / bulk quantities. | |
VB523 | ARC no not being populated for manufacturing/transfer pre advice line | Issue | 3.5.5 | No | No | When an ARC is received for a manufacturing order, it adds the ARC automatically into the receiving pre advice 'Receipting Header'. It doesn't do it in the Bond Details tab though. | ||
VB516 | CFSP DUCR | Bug | 3.5.5 | PFI-499-75085 | No | No | The Declarant UCR field is populated incorrectly with the customer's EORI instead of the warehousekeepers EORI when the representation method = 3. | |
VB512 | CFSP report | Issue | 3.5.5 | No | No | There is a 'Save' button at the bottom of the report viewer window which does nothing, and the ordering and names of the columns on the report are confusing and need to make more sense. Also when there are many pages the user has no idea where the messages for each of the statuses start and end, so an extra grouping level will be created allowing the user to click the bottom part of the report and then use the report navigator on the left to quickly find the page they need. | ||
VB511 | Creating an FSD for multiple sites | Bug | 3.5.5 | RCX-978-43526 | No | No | When creating the FSD from the customer environment, multiple files are produced all containing the same data, yet when producing these files (linked to the customer data) from our development environment, we're getting the correct data in each file. | |
VB506 | Failing movements / retry | Bug | 3.5.3 | 3.5.5 | GII-169-25295 | No | No | Movements are sometimes failing to post from VW to VB when conflicting with other processes and the retry mechanism needs some fine tuning. |
Release 3.5.4 (26/11/2015)
Key | Summary | Issue Type | Affects Version/s | Fix Version/s | FusionUID | Apply License | System Config | Release Notes |
VB509 | Increase the length of the VAT number field | Issue | 3.5.4 | No | No | Coincides with VW-1857. The VAT number field is being increased to cope with VAT numbers from all countries. | ||
VB508 | Customs Duty not appearing on Excise and VAT Summary Reports | Bug | 3.5.3 | 3.5.4 | LEK-621-61626 | No | No | Customer has noticed an issue where Customs duty values are not showing on overnight Excise and Vat summary files. |
VB505 | Error message shown when CFSP declaration is rejected for supplier data | Bug | 3.4.0 | 3.5.4 | No | No | "CustomerTurnNumber/CustomsHMRCRegistrationNumber/DeclarantTurnNumber/CompanyCountryCode" is the message currently shown when customs reject a CFSP declaration because something is wrong with the supplier information, this is not very helpful as it doesn't mention any supplier field. - This has been sorted | |
VB504 | Data cleansing for CFSP files | Issue | 3.5.4 | No | No | Currently if there is an apostrophe in any of the fields retrieved from the database, it breaks the file structure and HMRC will reject it. | ||
VB502 | Error with supplier data when creating some CFSP transactions | Bug | 3.5.4 | THT-415-83016 | No | No | When 'Creating Declarations' the majority are importing fine, however sometimes, depending on the supplier data, the screen tells the user it failed. When this happens, it does actually import the CFSP transaction, but the next time they 'Create Declarations' it will import it again. | |
VB501 | Rejected and corrected CFSP declarations do not retain the supplier data | Bug | 3.5.4 | No | No | When a CFSP declaration is rejected by customs, and the user corrects the entry in Vision Bond and clicks 'Accept', the supplier information for the declaration is not retained. As such, when the user then 'Exports' the file, the supplier information is shown as 'NOTDECLARED'. | ||
VB500 | Warrant search screen filters | Bug | 3.5.4 | DTE-767-49967 | No | No | In the Forms SAD confirmation screen, when using the filters, they are not filtering the data, instead everything is returned. | |
VB498 | Incorrect CFSP authorisation holders EORI entered on CFSP Declarations | Bug | 3.5.4 | No | No | The CFSP Declarations file submitted to HMRC provides an incorrect EORI code (Turn Number) when the representation type = 3 |
Release 3.5.3 (18/11/2015)
Key | Summary | Issue Type | Affects Version/s | Fix Version/s | FusionUID | Apply License | System Config | Release Notes |
VB497 | Running day end twice | Issue | 3.5.3 | No | No | When running day end immediately after it's finished, for the same site, the system is incorrectly detecting another record which requires a duty & VAT demand. When trying to send it, a blank report is sent. | ||
VB496 | Duty & VAT demands sent out to multiple addresses | Issue | 3.5.3 | No | No | When an email address is changed against a deferment account, the system emails out duplicates of the Duty & VAT demand to each account. | ||
VB495 | Changes to the supplier fields in the CFSP declaration | Bug | 3.5.3 | No | No | We have one too many supplier address fields and this is causing the CFSP submission to fail, also there is a post code field that we're currently filling with our 'Supplier Town' which is incorrect. | ||
VB494 | Accounts extract output | Issue | 3.5.3 | No | No | When the day end is run, the accounts extract is automatically output. There is no record in the system which records have already been output, it assumes that it needs to output everything which hasn't been submitted to ATWD which is wrong as some customers let ATWD submissions accumulate. | ||
VB493 | CFSP response processing throws Index out of range error | Bug | 3.4.0, 3.5.0, 3.5.1, 3.5.2 | 3.5.3 | No | No | While processing the CFSP response,it throws an exception: Index was out of range. | |
VB492 | Duty cash deferments report still slow to produce and timing out | Issue | 3.5.3 | TUE-866-30193 | No | No | The duty cash deferments report is still slow to produce and often times out, these changes will speed it up. | |
VB490 | Day end emailing demand to non cash customers | Bug | 3.5.3 | IUR-347-76384 | No | No | When an order is placed with a cash deferment number for the customs duty, but a non cash deferment number for the excise duty, a duty and vat demand is sent out incorrectly for the excise component. | |
VB489 | Errors occurring during EMCS communication | Bug | 3.5.1 | 3.5.3 | No | No | Errors are occurring when Vision attempts to communicate with the HMRC EMCS service. | |
VB488 | Grouping of day end warrants | Bug | 3.5.2 | 3.5.3 | No | No | The grouping of day end warrants is wrong, which is affecting any output where we usually show 1 record per warrant. | |
VB479 | Timeout when writing transfer information to EMCS tables can cause ARC to not generate | Bug | 3.5.3 | IWQ-516-24114 | No | No | Issue noticed on customers system where a transfer required an ARC and the order is showing in the Customs Info tab at status 'Awaiting ARC Reference'. However there was no ARC received for 15 days, nor was there any response messages in VB. |
Release 3.5.2 (04/11/2015)
Key | Summary | Issue Type | Affects Version/s | Fix Version/s | FusionUID | Apply License | System Config | Release Notes |
VB487 | Day end slow | Issue | 3.5.2 | No | No | A missing index was identified which will help speed up the day end processes. | ||
VB486 | Duty cash deferments report sometimes timing out | Issue | 3.5.2 | No | No | The report sometimes times out and needs a couple of indexes to speed it up. | ||
VB485 | Nominal Code missing in the sage extract 200 | Bug | 3.5.1 | 3.5.2 | No | No | Its noted that the Nominal Code is not showing in the Sage extract 200 even if there is value in the Invoice Nominal Code Please update the NominalDepartment field value manually. Rekey it after this update has been implemented. | |
VB483 | Duty demand grand total | Bug | 3.5.1 | 3.5.2 | No | No | Customs duty is not being included in the grand total of the Duty and vat demand. | |
VB482 | Period end scheduled import | Bug | 3.5.1 | 3.5.2 | No | No | The scheduled import program is reporting an exceptio error. Which mentioned null reference. |
Release 3.5.1 (30/10/2015)
Key | Summary | Issue Type | Affects Version/s | Fix Version/s | FusionUID | Apply License | System Config | Release Notes |
VB476 | VW - VB Movements - Slow | Issue | 3.5.1 | LZP-879-93208 | No | No | Customer had issues with movements taking a long time to ship from VW > VB, if these picks were done late in the day (primarily Bulk Picks) this could cause the Duty from the movements to be omitted from overnight files, causing issues with customers. Additional indexes have been added to resolve this. | |
VB473 | Day End Processing | Issue | 3.5.1 | No | No | After running day end, then running it again immediately afterwards, the screen told me there were no transactions to process, yet it generated a duty cash deferments report with one record on it which should not have been on the new report | ||
VB472 | Saving Sales Ledger Extract | Issue | 3.5.1 | No | No | When saving the surcharge SL file, it just tells the user 'Save As' in the save dialog window, they do not know what they're saving if they do not look at the auto populated filename. This has been made more obvious. | ||
VB471 | Purchase Ledger Extract for Cash Deferments | Bug | 3.5.1 | No | No | A PL surcharge file is being created when running day end, and when running the extract in the 'Duty Cash Deferments Account Extract' screen, but this is unnecessary as you only need one. | ||
VB470 | VB Duty surcharges - update | Bug | 3.5.1 | No | No | After a surcharge change in VW, this was not being reflected in VB. | ||
VB469 | Surcharge - rounding Customs Duty | Bug | 3.5.1 | No | No | The rounding of the customer duty surcharge isn't consistent with the rounding for excise duty surcharge, both were made the same. | ||
VB467 | Sage L200 PL extract format | Issue | 3.5.1 | No | No | Sage L200 PL format has been added for cash deferment extract | ||
VB466 | Surcharges for Customs Duty | Issue | 3.5.1 | No | No | Customs duty transactions were not having any surcharges charged against them. | ||
VB465 | Duty Demand - Surcharges | Issue | 3.5.1 | No | No | The surcharge heading needs to be displayed as 'Surcharge %', not just 'Surcharge', in addition, the Surcharge running total needs to be removed from the bottom of the report, as it's currently showing the SUM of the percentages displayed which doesn't make sense. | ||
VB463 | SUN accounts extract issues | Issue | 3.5.1 | No | No | There is nothing in the T6 field and this is required for SUN. | ||
VB462 | Cash Deferments - PI Extract - Sage50 | Issue | 3.5.1 | No | No | Sage L50 are reporting the records as SI when they should be PI for purchases. | ||
VB459 | VAT changes to accounts extracts | Issue | 3.5.1 | No | No | VAT is being included in the VAT fields when it should not be, it should be added into the excise value as a single total and there will be no separate VAT value posted. | ||
VB458 | SUN accounts extract files / Account code | Issue | 3.5.1 | No | No | We were previously advised that the account codes in the SUN accounts extract file needed a 'D' prefix, however it transpires that this is actually included within the account code so the prefix isn't necessary. | ||
VB457 | Alterations to the accounts extract | Issue | 3.5.1 | No | No | The primary reference (invoice reference) will now fit into all accounts systems (10 character limit) and will appear closer to the reference shown on the duty demand, as <SiteCode><DocumentNo>, e.g. SC 06/1234. For customs duty, it will appear as <SiteCode> <dd/mm/yy>, e.g. for customs duty deferments on 12/10/2015 it will show as SC12/10/15. The secondary reference will be changed to <DocumentNo> EXCISE CASH DEFERMENT, e.g. 06/1234 EXCISE CASH DEFERMENT, and for customs, 12/10/15 CUSTOMS CASH DEFERMENT. | ||
VB456 | Duty Deferment Adjustments | Bug | 3.5.1 | No | No | When adjusting a record from the top grid to the bottom list, the record disappears from the screen. | ||
VB455 | Customs duty reference wrong in accounts extract file | Bug | 3.5.1 | No | No | Currently this is outputting a blank. | ||
VB453 | Customs duty not being output during day end | Issue | 3.5.0 | 3.5.1 | No | No | Customs duty is not being output during day end, due to some recent changes in VB 3.5.0 which need correcting. | |
VB452 | Day end producing accounts extract when the client isn't licensed | Bug | 3.5.1 | No | No | Even if the user isn't licensed for the 'Duty Cash Deferments Accounts Extract' the files are produced during day end and they shouldn't be. | ||
VB451 | Sun accounts extract for the purchase ledger showing debits / credits incorrectly | Issue | 3.5.1 | No | No | When the purchase ledger accounts extract is generated for the Sun accounts system, the records are shown as debits in the file when they should in fact be shown as credits. | ||
VB450 | Grouping of the duty cash deferments report | Issue | 3.5.1 | No | No | During the development of VB-425 it seems that the change to the grouping of the Duty Cash Deferments report was forgotten, this needs to be changed so that we are grouping by W5D instead of customer. | ||
VB449 | Cash deferment 'surcharge' shown when customers do not charge a surcharge | Issue | 3.5.1 | HQF-754-86253 | No | No | In VB 3.5.0 a cash deferment 'surcharge' was implemented, this now shows on all duty demands even if customers do not charge a surcharge, we will hide the surcharge from the duty demand if the customer does not use it. | |
VB447 | File extension for accounts extracts | Bug | 3.5.1 | No | No | The file extension for SUN extracts is incorrectly defaulted to CSV, when it should be reading from the system configuration and setting it to DAT. | ||
VB442 | Timeouts when processing an IE818 (Report of Receipt) can cause messages to stop being processed | Bug | 3.3.1 | 3.5.1 | YLZ-782-71010 | No | No | Noticed that if a timeout occurs during the processing of an IE818 (Report of Receipt) message, it can result in the Report of Receipt being continually inserted into the database and hold up all messages queued behind it. |
Release 3.5.0 ( 27/07/2015)
Key | Summary | Issue Type | Affects Version/s | Fix Version/s | FusionUID | Apply License | System Config | Release Notes |
VB428 | C88s intermittently not producing automatically | Bug | 3.4.0 | 3.5.0 | HCP-268-62373 | No | No | If a customs payment imports to VB before the associated export movement, this results in the C88 not being produced. |
VB425 | Improvements to the duty cash deferments extract | Improvement | 3.5.0 | Yes | No | The records were previously grouped, so if a customer has an ACQ and non ACQ W5D on a single day, the cash accounts extract would only show one row and one W5D reference. With this change we'll now have one row per W5D reference so all cash deferments will show in the extract. In addition, there will also be an additional extract created for the purchase ledger, effectively eradicating the need for users to key any cash deferment invoices into the accounts system. The file will also be provided during the day end run if you have the necessary license, so users no longer need to go to a separate screen to run the extract, although the screen will still be available should you need to regenerate a file. | ||
VB424 | Holding ATWD login details for multiple sites | New Feature | 3.5.0 | No | No | Customers have multiple ATWD login details if they have different warehousekeeper codes, we only hold and use one in VB, this change is to make the system capable of using multiple. | ||
VB419 | CFSP audit report only showing 1 trader role ref | Bug | 3.4.0 | 3.5.0 | No | No | When running the CFSP audit report through VB, it is only showing 1 CFSPtraderole reference, even if there are records for other references When you run the report through the application it only brings back a single CFSPtraderrolereference which was wrong | |
VB418 | HMRC CFSP message not translated to a user friendly message | Bug | 3.5.0 | No | No | Customer is using VB 3.4.0 but still not getting descriptive error messages Response error message is showing 'CHIEF Processing error. Please contact OnTech Solutions Ltd for advice'. Which does not give a proper description of what the error is In this instance the response message is UNB+UNOA:2+EDRCHIEF+EDCCBK::EDCCBK001+150401:1402+0023570283+201504010813+C= HIEFLIVE++++0'UNH+150401140216+CONTRL:2:2:UN'UCI+201504010813+EDCCBK::EDCCB= K001+EDRCHIEF+4+26 +UNB'UNT+3+150401140216'UNZ+1+0023570283' I believe contrl 2:2 means already submitted These error messages should give a clearer message of what the issue actually is | ||
VB416 | C88 Documents being produced before ARC received | Bug | 3.4.0 | 3.5.0 | No | No | Customer had an issue where their C88 documents for Export were coming off immediately after being pick confirmed even if waiting for an ARC, these were still being printed. After looking at procedure a debug table was set-up to highlight the issue After speaking to the customer and noting down some Pick UID's that were coming off it was noted that Query 5 on the prc was causing the problem. | |
VB414 | Unable to discharge ARCs on Transfers between sites with same W/H keeper code | Bug | 3.5.0 | No | No | Issues when transferring between 2 sites with the same warehouse keeper code, The arc is not appearing as available to select on the PO side of the order. The initial VW > VB process is creating two records in the tblEMCSeAADHeader table (one for the inwards movement and one for the outwards). However, looking at the ARC field in the results, it seems the problem is when we’re processing the IE801 received from HMRC, its only updating one of the rows and not both with the ARC number. | ||
VB413 | Duty cash deferment report & sage extract grouping incorrectly since 3.4.0 | Bug | 3.5.0 | No | No | The GetExciseDutyCashDefermentsGrouped process is no longer grouping correctly, specifically DayEndDocumentNo were added into the group by. | ||
VB411 | Link to the ARC is not being set when saving a delay for delivery explanation | Issue | 3.5.0 | No | No | The table which stores the EMCS Delay For Delivery Explanation is always being set to 0 when workflow saves an IE837 to this table. - Existing data needs updating - We need to fix it so that 0 is never inserted, and that a correct value is inserted instead. | ||
VB409 | VB - W1 showing incorrect details on receipts returned with Shortages section | Bug | 3.5.0 | JHG-850-33005 | No | No | On the W1 in section C the page that refers to shortages on eAD's is showing incorrect details in column 4. It is showing warehouse-keeper details in error it should be showing the warehouse approval number. It is correctly showing in the outstanding for 2 months section | |
VB408 | Date range filter not working in 'Forms W8/AAD/SAD Confirmation' | Bug | 3.5.0 | JJC-897-27743 | No | No | Now resolved | |
VB407 | Period End - Change the logging process to create a new log file with date / time stamp each time the period end process is run | Improvement | 3.5.0 | No | No | When we execute Period End Processing the system creates a LogFile. If this already exists, it deletes it and creates a whole new file. Change this process to create LogFileYYYYMMDD.txt each time instead of overwriting. Also, in VB client, when the user runs the Period End, if the stock snapshot hasn't been imported, show this message before continuing with the period end process: "The stock snapshot for this site failed to import at the turn of the new month. If there have been no movements in the live warehousing system since then up until now then you can continue, if not please contact your software provider. Note that if you continue, this will lock the Warehousing system to retrieve the stock snapshot. Do you want to continue?" Yes / No / Cancel | ||
VB406 | EMCS - Notifications / Explanations issues in the current version | Improvement | 3.5.0 | No | No | This issue was raised following review of EMCS we saw the system was preventing users from using the 'Notifications' / 'Explanations' features properly. | ||
VB404 | Day end accounts extract splitting for cash deferment surcharge | New Feature | 3.5.0 | No | No | When cash deferment extract is created it will generate a new line posting elsewhere for the deferment charge | ||
VB403 | New report for deferment number checks on day end | New Feature | 3.5.0 | No | No | 1) Reorder the 'Reports' menu to be: Day End Reprint, CFSP Audit Report, Acquisition VAT Statement 2) Add a new item 'Shared deferment use' at the top of the list 3) This will preset the user with a screen allowing them to enter the following - Site Code - Not mandatory - Movement Date (calendar picker) - Mandatory 4) User will click the 'Show' button, The column headings on the first page will be Customer Code Site Code Excise Deferment Owner Customs Deferment Owner b.The column headings on the second page will be Order UID Pick UID Doc No Doc Type Excise Deferment Owner (ExciseDefermentOwnerCode + ExciseDefermentOwnerName) VAT (ExciseDefermentOwnerVATNo) <Gap> Customs Deferment Owner (CustomsDefermentOwnerCode + CustomsDefermentOwnerName VAT (CustomsDefermentOwnerVATNo) 9) The report data should be grouped by "Customer" | ||
VB402 | Import the DP PO Ref into VB so that we can send it out on the nightly Duty & VAT extracts (VEDI-242) | Improvement | 3.5.0 | No | No | Add the delivery point PO Ref onto the report | ||
VB381 | Day End - Take the VAT Value Adjustment field into account for VAT Value calculations | Improvement | 3.5.0 | RKF-176-47510 | No | No | As per summary | |
VB373 | EMCS - Impossible to see inbound Report of Receipts in VB's EMCS module | Improvement | 3.5.0 | TSF-997-41336 | No | No | Users cannot see when recipients of their outgoing ARCs have submitted a RoR which is unsatisfactory and a shortage or excess has been recorded. If you look at the example message attached which was collected by the system from HMRC this will show what messages are being received, when this was processed, the status in tblEMCSeAADHeader for this ARC was updated to 15 and the record was inserted into tblEMCSeAADReportOfReceiptHeader & Detail, where the status was again 15. 15 = Report of Receipt Accepted (818) This status is correct but the users need to easily be able to see and or filter by the Global Conclusion of Receipt field, but: - Despite the record existing in the tblEMCSeAADReportOfReceipt tables it does not show at all in the 'Receipts' screen of the EMCS module as you'd expect - Nor is there an 'Inwards / Outwards' filter option here like there is on the e-AADs tab, it's as if this tab was designed only for RoRs created from our own VW and the users have no way of seeing the data for the inbound RoRs - Nor is there a filter option for 'Global conclusion of receipt' on this tab From Page 75 of the latest version of the FESS core business document: "At delivery of goods, where shortages or excesses were declared in the report of receipt established by the consignee or built from information reported by the Customs, each MSA is entitled to claim duties on the shortages according to the place where they have actually arisen, based on all evidence at its disposal, among which possible explanations provided by the consignor and/or by the consignee on the reasons of the shortage or excess. This use case describes the dissemination of the explanation messages from the consignor and from the consignee. • the explanations of the consignor may be for instance that he actually did not sent all the goods described in the e-AD; • the explanations of the consignee may be for instance that a part of goods have arrived late, after issuance of the report of receipt; • other explanations may, for instance, describe losses that occurred during the transport (concurrently with event reports). The explanations are disseminated to the MSA of dispatch and to the MSA of destination, so that they have as much information as possible to base their claims. Sending explanations is optional for the consignor and for the consignee; they should consider whether complementary information will be useful for any MSA to evaluate the reasons for shortages or excesses. To that end, they are allowed to submit as many explanation messages as needed concerning the same e-AD. In case of total or partial refusal of delivery, it is recommended, but not mandatory, to wait for the final delivery of goods at the last destination before exchanging explanations." Currently Vision Bond is making it impossible for users to see this information, and as such the users are unable to provide explanations which could potentially sway HMRC's decision in issuing duty charges. I have also checked HMRCs online site and there appears to be no way to search for these or provide explanations either. Changes necessary: EMCS > Receipts 1) Show all records in the tblEMCSeADDReportOfReceipt table in the form 2) tblEMCSeAADReportOfReceipt ADD IsVisionReceipt 3) Any RoR records imported by the Vision Update Service to this table must set IsVisionReceipt = 1. 4) On the EMCS Receipts screen in VB, show Inwards and Outwards checkboxes like the e-AADs screen has, and link it to this field. The Receipts screen search must work in the same way as that screen but using the IsVisionReceipt field instead. 5) We need a data script to update this, I would advise setting this from the VW data. 6) Underneath 'Status' combobox show 'Global Conclusion' combobox with all of the full global conclusions available, allow users to search using it. 7) In the results grid we have 'Global Conclusion of Receipt', this is showing numeric values and should be showing the full description. 8) Issues were found with the 'Explanations' and 'Notifications' screens, these have been logged separately as VB-406. | |
VB343 | CFSP - Declarations need to take the real supplier information instead of defaulting to VARIOUSSUPPLIER | HMRC | 3.5.0 | No | No | In all CFSP declarations we send 'VARIOUSSUPPLIER' in the declaration message. We need to change this, along with the address part to this same segment, to use the real supplier details. | ||
VB293 | Period End - W1A report using potentially outdated data for the top left box showing 'Name and Address of Warehouse' | Improvement | 3.5.0 | No | No | Now taking from the site table |
Release 3.4.0 (22/01/2015)
UID | Summary | Issue Type | Affects Version/s | Fix Version/s | FusionUID | Apply License | System Config | Release Notes |
VB401 | W1A - Showing the same loss figure for all sites and also showing the wrong site address | Bug | 3.4.0 | FSU-423-64029 | No | No | Resolved the issue in the summary | |
VB400 | W1A report timeout | Bug | 3.4.0 | QXG-958-43612 | No | No | New indexes were added to try to solve this, and on test it appears to be working but this will be related to individual customers systems. | |
VB397 | Bond print service is constantly logging an error to the application event log even though everything is printing fine | Bug | 3.4.0 | No | No | This has been resolved. | ||
VB393 | AADs not generating for non EMCS customers | Bug | 3.3.1 | 3.4.0 | OAI-379-29668 | No | No | We no longer support this but the facility is still in the system so we have repaired this to be used as long as customers may wish to see the report. |
VB390 | Re-processing a CFSP response file causes already processed records to duplicate | Bug | 3.3.1 | 3.4.0 | KTW-514-48181 | No | No | Customer had a CFSP response file that had partially processed and was missing data in Accepted Declaration table. As per the description of VB-256 the customer should be able to re-process the file and it should simply insert the missing data. However when the customer has tried to re-process the file it duplicated records that had already been correctly processed. |
VB389 | Removal of A10 Tax Type - Replaced with A00 | HMRC | 3.4.0 | No | No | the Commission have confirmed (this week), Tax Type A10 will not be in use as from the 1st February 2015 and A00 should be used instead. It looks like they are combining Agricultural and Industrial into one product type. | ||
VB388 | VB - VW Order failed submission to HMRC with 'Arithmetic overflow error' | Bug | 3.4.0 | MCY-348-50147 | No | No | Customer reported an issue where an order was being retrieved but the Vision Update Service was failing to import it into VB. It was identified that ONE of the orders returned by the procedure contained a rotation that had a StrengthABV of 1500.00. VB is correct, and we will be correcting VW in VW-1486 to not allow users to enter such high StrengthABV values. Also change VB slightly, so that if one of the orders output by the service has an issue, it doesn't stop all other orders from going through. | |
VB383 | Create a DB view to replace the direct query from VW statistics report to make the duty section retrieve faster and without causing any blocks | Improvement | 3.4.0 | No | No | The duty query which executes at the end of StatisticsReport is being picked up frequently as a long running query on the SQL monitor. A new view has been created to speed this up | ||
VB382 | ARC not going over to VD when VDPickUpdate = 1 | Bug | 3.4.0 | TML-747-21412 | No | No | Some orders in VD are appearing on the Unprinted Manifest report with a message of 'Awaiting ARC Reference' Looking in VW and in the DB it can be seen that these orders do have their ARC reference but this has not been updated into the VD database. This issue looks to occur when an order requiring an ARC has been picked, and the import job to VD has been run, before the ARC has been received. Resolved to now work | |
VB380 | InvoiceItemAmount calculation on CFSP transactions | Bug | 3.4.0 | ONK-479-44831 | No | No | The CFSP calculation for InvoiceItemAmount is incorrect So with the following example (ALL GBP values) Product cost 36 Insurance cost 0.01 Freight cost 3.85 The value is now being calculated as: 1 / 12 = 0.083 (for Freight & Insurance each) F + I = 0.166 rounded = 0.17 P = 36/12 = 3 P + F + I = 3 + 0.17 = 3.17 | |
VB374 | VB - CFSP - FSD files creating but with the same information in both files | Bug | 3.4.0 | QUL-545-90125 | No | No | Linked to VB-305 Customer has reported that their is still an issue when they are generating CFSP FSD files the data in the two files are identical and for the same TurnNo. Now resolved to look at the turn numbers | |
VB372 | Customs duty payment not sent out on demand nor EDI Duty & VAT report as there have been no excise transactions for the deferment | Bug | 3.4.0 | UIV-769-19876 | No | No | Customer has logged a query regarding a customs duty charge that is not showing on Duty Deferment report after closure of customers account in July and stock transferred to another bonded warehouse. It appears that this outstanding charge will go through when they next has a duty paid order go through and a W5D created, but as this customer account is closed this payment will not happen. This was for a delivery type 'C' - Customer Duty Payment Only (no stock) for a CCT payment 1.88 tblTransactionDetail.CustomsDutyOutput = 0 This has not appeared on 'Duty Cash Deferments Report' because the Duty demand hasn't been created. Logic has been changed to not rely on excise duty to kick the customs duty requirements | |
VB369 | prc_UpdateATWDDetail setting ATWD Acceptance No incorrectly when multiple records are present for W5D | Bug | 3.4.0 | KGR-913-11906 | No | No | Customer reported issues with ATWD's warrants. While looking at this issue it was noticed that a process was setting the ATWD acceptance no incorrectly if there was multiple Acceptance No associated with that DayEndDocumentNo. This is quite rare but it is possible so we need to accomodate the possibility of it happening. | |
VB366 | W1 taking a long time to run when retrieving details for pages 15 & 16 (new / returning / leaving owners) | Bug | 3.4.0 | BBW-591-96284 | No | No | Improvements to the report were made | |
VB365 | VB - EMCS Service System Error, IE871 | Bug | 3.4.0 | YHB-845-10152 | No | No | The following error generates a support ticket containing the following error. Error unable to Process New Message via the WebService GetNewMessages() for MessageType: IE871Type. Error Message Object reference not set to an instance of an object., Stack Trace: at VisionWorkflow.Services.EMCSServices.SaveCD871Message(IE871Type cd871AMessage) in c:\DeveloperProjects\jburton\VisionWorkflowForBond\VisionWorkflowForBond\VisionWorkflow.Services\EMCSServices.cs:line 2219 at VisionWorkflow.Services.EMCSServices.SaveMessage(Object data, String exciseRegistrationNo) in c:\DeveloperProjects\jburton\VisionWorkflowForBond\VisionWorkflowForBond\VisionWorkflow.Services\EMCSServices.cs:line 797 at VisionWorkflow.Services.EMCSServices.ProcessNewMessages() in c:\DeveloperProjects\jburton\VisionWorkflowForBond\VisionWorkflowForBond\VisionWorkflow.Services\EMCSServices.cs:line 343 Investigating this error it was traced to a EMCS get message which contained a IE871 message as attached. The ARC has updated tblReportOfReceiptHeader with the correct status, but no record for the shortage in table tblEMCSeAADReportOfReceiptDetail. No record has been inserted in table tblEMCSExplanationOnReasonForShortage. | |
VB364 | Messages which fail to update VB after calling EMCS GetNewMessages from HMRC are not saving the failed message in the database for reprocessing | Bug | 3.3.1 | 3.4.0 | No | No | This has been re-written completely. | |
VB363 | Duty & VAT Demands not being generated for customs duty only transactions (when the deferment does not also have excise transactions to go out on a demand) | Bug | 3.4.0 | ROJ-674-94726 | No | No | There was a link in the system to excise, you had to have an excise payment due before the customs duty was being released. This has been removed. | |
VB362 | CPU usage does not return to idle after emailing | Improvement | 3.4.0 | No | No | Fixed. | ||
VB342 | Authorised destructions for Tobacco & Cigarettes are not being displayed on the W1 | Bug | 3.4.0 | DIO-427-39338 | No | No | Now displayed | |
VB336 | VB update service is not preparing the data correctly for the VB print service when data comes over from VW in two batches meaning that the warrants do not print | Bug | 3.2.0 | 3.4.0 | No | No | Now accepts multiple posts to clear the stocks | |
VB332 | VB Print Service doesn't print W8s and AADs even when they're enabled | Improvement | 3.4.0 | PTE-824-89899 | No | No | Although EMCS replaced the W8s and AADs some customers are not using EMCS online and they need the old documents to manually input the data on to the customs site. Re-instated but this is NOT SUPPORTED | |
VB328 | Make a small change to VB to make it more resilient to data import issues for period end | Improvement | 3.4.0 | No | No | additional controls have been added to double check data quicker | ||
VB323 | VB - Error resubmitting a Report Of Receipt | Bug | 3.4.0 | LKA-380-74362 | No | No | Linked to bug VB-322 Error when resubmitting a Report Of Receipt. User tried submitting a Report of Receipt recording a shortage on 1 line. This may of resulted in information being removed in tblReportOfReceiptDetail. Error Reason shown in Application: Incomplete content found at element 'BodyReportOfReceiptExport' Attached screen image shows that the bottom grid is incomplete with no column headers etc | |
VB322 | VB - Cannot create new report of receipt in Vision Bond | Bug | 3.4.0 | WES-635-68405 | No | No | Error when trying to create a new report of receipt in Vision Bond. User receiving the error message when receipting a satisfactory receipt through vision bond "at least one unsatisfactory reason is needed" Please advise as Receipt accepted and satisfactory has been selected | |
VB321 | IE840 "Event Report" issues saving after calling GetNewMessages | Bug | 3.2.0 | 3.4.0 | No | No | Back end issue has been resolved | |
VB314 | IE704 in get message failed to update Vision Bond | Bug | 3.2.1 | 3.4.0 | TRY-463-67317 | No | No | During investigating an issue where an order didn't gert it's ARC ref found reference for orders (1715188 & 1713386) in Get Messages with an IE704 error. I have attached both soap messages which has details for both IE704 errors |
VB313 | VB - Vision Bond no response from SAD confirmation screen. | Bug | 3.2.0 | 3.4.0 | NZY-605-52882 | No | No | This screen is no longer supported. *************************************** When searching in the SAD confirmation screen the user is getting a blank screen along with an error that program is not responding. If they leave this search open for a long period the results do show up. Notes below. - When run the same through the program takes 10 minutes, screen hangs , Tells you the program is not responding, but if you leave it results do come back after anything from 5-15 minutes. - Same response times when searching for a single record - I have refreshed the procedure in SQL, so it gets a new execution plan the next time it runs, but no change. - The same process on some customersworks fine so could be due to the data, AG mentioned they can clear down the data them self but are not doing so. |
VB285 | CFSP search navigation | New Feature | 3.4.0 | No | No | Create a CFSP transaction search in the navigation pane which retrieves results at the bottom and nothing more. | ||
VB282 | Optimise the query which retrieves data for the ATWD submission screen | Improvement | 3.4.0 | No | No | query optimise | ||
VB276 | VB-225 extended: Changes required in the CFSP module to link a declaration to an FSD record to ensure that 'Late Submissions' are reported correctly | HMRC | 3.4.0 | No | No | In VB-225 we addressed the main part of a CIP requirement sent out by HMRC. That was released in VB v3.1.0, however the changes required to calculate the correct 'Late Submission' where not started but not finished. We established the correct structure and logic to use, however further changes to the DB structure were required to generate the correct 'Late Submission' figure. As such, in version 3.1.0, the Late Submission part of the FSD will never be sent and this issue deals with finishing off that work. Definition of a Late Submission: A submission made after the deadline of a previous month's FSD. Example: 25/09/2013 - MovementDate for transaction A 04/10/2013 - FSD for September sent (FSD would report for example SDW=4/5, 4 submissions accepted, out of 5 in total for the month) 05/10/2013 - Submitted & accepted date of transaction A 06/11/2013 - FSD for October sent (FSD would report SDW 7/7, 7 submissions accepted out of a total of 7 in the month + 1 LATE SUBMISSION for 09/13 period) This is how we do it: FTX+ACB++FINSD+SDI=0/0,SDW=1/5 11/13 = SDW 1 This is how HMRC say it should be: FTX+ACB++FINSD+SDI=0/0,SDW=1/5 11/13=SDW 1 (two spaces removed) ...as per CIP 71/13 | ||
VB262 | Remove 'VendorProductVersion' from the config file and ensure this is set from the build version wherever used | Improvement | 3.2.0, 3.4.0 | No | No | internal config change | ||
VB250 | CFSP Audit Report | New Feature | 3.4.0 | FYD-363-10569 | No | No | CFSP report that checks the amount of messages sent agrees with the amount that have been returned and showing their status, This report should be available to run at anytime and should be run at least once a day and definitely before the FSD is sent to ensure all is clear. Add the ability to select a date range e.g. from 01/07/13 to 14/07/13 1000 messages submitted Accepted - x messages No Replies - y messages Errors - z messages (reply received but needs attention) | |
VB239 | From VB-25 - Duty extract for Sage L200 | New Feature | 3.4.0 | Yes | Yes | CSV Duty extract for accounts systems is available | ||
VB237 | Ability to reprocess failed EMCS messages | Improvement | 3.4.0 | No | No | Taken from VB-158, the first batch of work was completed to stop blockages from occurring within the EMCS system, we now need to give the users the ability to reprocess the failed messages. | ||
VB180 | Improve CFSP error messages to make them easier to read by users | Improvement | 3.4.0 | No | No | In CFSP rejections currently we see an error similar to the following: 'Segment 7, Error 10, Element 2, Component 2’ Make this simpler for users to understand. |
Release 3.3.0 (08/05/2014)
Key | Summary | Issue Type | Affects Version/s | Fix Version/s | Apply License | System Config | FusionUID | Release Notes |
VB338 | Error displaying Duty & Cash Deferments after Day End processing | Bug | 3.3.0 | 3.3.0 | No | No | On the <Processing> <Day End Processing> option, enter any site code. The Duty & Vat Demands are created & sent, but at the end of the process, you get this error: 'An error occurred whilst trying to display the Duty & Cash Deferments. An error occurred whilst retrieving the Duty Cash Deferment records. Invalid object name : fncGetExciseDutyCashDocumentsGrouped' and a blank screen pops up instead of the deferments details report. | |
VB325 | Day End Report - Identical Warrant Numbers returned for every Excise Deferement Number | Bug | 3.2.1 | 3.3.0 | No | No | The report was returning the same number for each warrant even although the data in the system was correct. Report has been corrected | |
VB324 | Error relating to missing function when running day end | Bug | 3.3.0 | No | No | After entering Site Code in the Day end screen and clicking 'Process Day End' button the following error is returned: Day End Starting Date & Time: 12/03/2014 Allocating Day End Reference Numbers ..... Emailing Duty and VAT Demand ..... ERROR :: Day end processing has been failed due to the following error: An error getting Duty VAT demand details Cannot find either column "dbo" or the user-defined function or aggregate "dbo.fnc_GetTransactionVATStatus", or the name is ambiguous. | ||
VB320 | Failure sending mail | Bug | 3.1.0 | 3.3.0 | No | No | when trying to send an email from the ‘Reprint Documents’ screen following occurred . Exception : Invalid length for a Base-64 char array or string | |
VB319 | Additional indexes to speed up the period end W1 report data retrieval | Improvement | 3.3.0 | No | No | Indexes added | ||
VB318 | Additional indexes to speed up the period end routine to get W1 working table data | Improvement | 3.3.0 | No | No | Indexes added | ||
VB317 | VB - Acquisition VAT Reports - each report being emaile to every customer | Bug | 3.3.0 | No | No | QPS-533-22173 | Ran the acquisition VAT reports for which worked ok, however the system has emailed each report to every Customer that had a report generated. | |
VB316 | Error logging EMCS message failures | Bug | 3.2.1 | 3.3.0 | No | No | Failed messages are currently being 'logged' However we are frequently experiencing errors attempting to log to this table due to ErrorMessage exceeding 1000 characters, so expand this to 5000 | |
VB315 | Period end version number is not being read correctly and users are unable to run the period end process | Bug | 3.3.0 | No | No | All customers running VB 3.2.1 are unable to run period end from the VB UI to get the period end reports. | ||
VB310 | IE871 issues saving after calling GetNewMessages | Bug | 3.2.0 | 3.3.0 | No | No | Message was too long, tables have now been increased in length see also VB-316 | |
VB305 | CFSP FSD creation issue with multiple TURN numbers and one CFSP trader role | Bug | 3.3.0 | No | No | In VB 2.3.0 (VB-194) we removed the hard coding for the CFSP Trader Role and CFSP Trader Location, the result was that the system now creates an FSD for each CFSP Trader Role on the system. For other customers with multiple sites, they get two FSDs, one for each site as the trader roles are different and so are the VAT / TURN numbers. However it is possible for a warehouse keeper have multiple sites, yet all share the same CFSP Trader Role and CFSP Trader Location. This is a similar problem which stops them from using ATWD to submit records for this site, and one that HMRC and LCB both know is a result of an incorrect initial setup at HMRC. | ||
VB303 | Incorrect Date entered in the DTM segment in the FSD | Bug | 3.1.0, 3.2.0, 3.3.0 | 3.3.0 | No | No | HMRC have notified our clients that the DTM segment submitted in the FSD file contains the wrong date. The first day of the month in the current month is used rather than the first day of the month for the period which the FSD covers. | |
VB296 | Separate duty demands are being sent to customers instead of one listing all warrants | Bug | 3.3.0 | No | No | A customer could have one ACQ VAT W5D and one deferred W5D each day, currently this is being sent on two seperate emails but previously they were all being sent out on one per customer. Modified to one | ||
VB287 | A W5D has appeared on multiple Duty Cash Deferment reports, it would appear the flags have not been updated correctly | Bug | 3.0.0 | 3.3.0 | No | No | WKC-859-30749 | A W5D was showing on the duty report twice, this only effected the report and was due to a flag update issue |
VB279 | CFSP error E136 CONFIRMATION INVALID IF THERE IS NO FEC FAILURE TO CONFIRM | Bug | 3.3.0 | No | No | CFSP error message 'E136 CONFIRMATION INVALID IF THERE IS NO FEC FAILURE TO CONFIRM' occurs as the result of selecting the FEC Force flag against a declaration. The reason for this is that the FEC Force inserts 2 segments into the declaration message. These are: GEI+5+QV1:PI:109' //Net Mass GEI+5+QV2:PI:109' //Supplementary Units If this error occurs the Supplementary Units segment needs to be removed from the message in the submission file. If this is done by hand the penultimate segment for the message (UNT+xx) must also be modified. xx refers to the number of segments contained in the message. Therefore removing the Supplementary Units segments means reducing the figure next to UNT by 1. E.g. UNT+36 becomes UNT+35. At the moment it is uncertain what the business rules are for submitting both FEC segments or just one segment. Consultation with Tariff and/or clarification with HMRC may be required to correctly determine the rules. This has been determined and a fix placed to stop the error. | ||
VB271 | ARC status updates - reinstate "ARC Received, awaiting pick confirm" but also mark as despatched if already pick confirmed | Improvement | 3.3.0 | No | No | Modification to the ARC status to make it clearer whether we are waiting or have received an ARC | ||
VB257 | CFSP is not using the '?' escape character correctly | Bug | 3.3.0 | No | No | Customer started getting the following error in VB: ‘Index and length must refer to a location within the string, Parameter name: length’. ...when using the CFSP module to process an HMRC response... We sent this to HMRC and they responded with the following: The ediFACT UNOA standard uses single quote (apostrophe) as a record terminator marker, and + and : as field and sub-field terminators. If you need to use these characters as part of the message, this is achieved by escaping the following character with a question mark ie ?' (quote followed by apostrophe) should be interpreted as an apostrophe and not a record terminator. ...so Vision Bond was modified to process this correctly. | ||
VB256 | Timeouts occurring when processing the HMRC CFSP response file | Bug | 3.3.0 | No | No | GAJ-986-42834 | When processing the HMRC response file, it timed out. To fix this: 1) We should change the code which processes the response file to allow it to be processed as many times as we like, without causing damage, ie, the system should check to see if the record has already been inserted, and if not, then insert it. 2) If an error occurs we should inform the user that they should retry processing the file 3) The user should be able to then reprocess the file if it fails which will fix the remaining records The user should be informed what the problem is, and should be told what they should do in the error message to stop them emailing the support team. | |
VB240 | Acquisition VAT checking within VB - Use the field populated at day end instead of recalculating | Improvement | 3.3.0 | No | No | Now using existing field to check not recalculating any more | ||
VB210 | When processing an IE704 message from HMRC, we are updating the wrong record's status, when our Local Reference Number has been used by another ARC on the system (from another consignor) | Bug | 3.3.0 | No | No | This issue related to HMRC using the same numbers again, this was not in the HMRC specification. Modifictions carried out to ensure that we know which record to update now. | ||
VB45 | Mail server authentication | Improvement | 3.2.0, 3.3.0 | Make improvements to the Mail Server Authentication to ensure the program uses setup any time it attempts to relay mail through the mail server. |
Release 3.2.1 (01/03/2014)
Key | Summary | Issue Type | Affects Version/s | Fix Version/s | Apply License | System Config | FusionUID | Release Notes |
VB312 | Put new web service references in the configuration file for FS 3.1 | Improvement | 3.2.1 | No | No | Unable to test no test system but if missing will not work. | ||
VB311 | IE818 failing to submit since FS3.1 upgrade | Bug | 3.2.0 | 3.2.1 | No | No | They fail and show in VB with no failure message. Resolved issue with web service. | |
VB309 | Error after calling GetNewMessages 'error in deserializing body of reply message for operation 'processMessage' | Bug | 3.2.0 | 3.2.1 | No | No | Error seen on some services for specific declarations | |
VB307 | IE815 submissions failing with error 'Invalid content found at element 'TimeOfPreparation' | Bug | 3.2.0 | 3.2.1 | No | No | Since upgrading customers to VB 3.2.0, they are getting the following error on EMCS IE815 submissions: Invalid content found at element 'TimeOfPreparation' Value '08:31:01.00000000+00:00' doesn't have the correct format Time fixed | |
VB306 | ATWD submissions failing with an invalid namespace error | Bug | 3.2.0 | 3.2.1 | No | No | Since upgrading customers to VB 3.2.0, they are getting the following error response on ATWD submissions: Element "WarrantSubmission" namespace URI with value "http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" does not match the expected value "http://www.govtalk.gov.uk/atwd/WarrantSubmission/02102007". |
Release 3.2.0 (10/02/2014)
Key | Summary | Issue Type | Affects Version/s | Fix Version/s | Apply License | System Config | FusionUID | Release Notes |
VB 302 | Running FSD generates a subquery returned more than 1 value error for customers with sites having two turn numbers but one CFSPTraderRole | Bug | 3.1.0, 3.2.0 | 3.2.0 | No | No | Changed the query to accomodte multiple sites | |
VB 300 | Defaulting of the VI certificate information for CFSP for old stocks where there was not a requirement to hold this information on the system | Improvement | 3.2.0 | No | No | Jane Riley (HMRC) confirmed that HMRC are allowing users to default the VI certificate information in CFSP transactions, for old stocks where the information is not held on the system as there was no requirement to hold it. This was put in as an agreement that customers would be unable to obtain this information for so many older stocks which have already been landed without it. For these transactions, where the commodity code begins 2204 or 2009, we were told to default the status to 'JP' and set the certificate number to <COO> + VID + <LitresOfLiquid>. | ||
VB 299 | IE801s are failing to process for incoming ARC messages meaning none of these are available for VW users to receipt against | Bug | 3.1.0 | 3.2.0 | No | No | While saving the 801 message we are getting the error relating to duplicate unique identifiers, this has been resolved by allowing the duplicate within a set of conditions. | |
VB 289 | Additional indexes to speed up W1A report data retrieval | Improvement | 3.2.0 | No | No | No way to test. | ||
VB 283 | Implement EMCS FS 3.1 changes | HMRC | 3.2.0 | No | No | See EMCS FS3.1 specifations from HMRC | ||
VB 266 | VB-135 was not implemented correct and needs to be redone to allow users to manually submit ATWD records | Bug | 3.2.0 | No | No | Now allowed | ||
VB 262 | Remove 'VendorProductVersion' from the config file and ensure this is set from the build version wherever used | Improvement | 3.2.0 | No | No | Moved to the build version. | ||
VB 241 | VB-135 needs redoing, users cannot manually submit ATWD records | Bug | 3.2.0 | No | No | This is now allowed and working | ||
VB 238 | Option to send all SAD warrants front page only to HMRC | Improvement | 3.2.0 | No | Yes | WWU-495-28025 | In the VB Print Service, the option to send all first pages to a single email address within HMRC when the warrant is emailled out. | |
VB 233 | View archive transactions | Improvement | 3.2.0 | No | No | Ability to view the archives has been added when viewing transactions. | ||
VB 222 | If you don't enter enough information on the Commodity Code Quota Preference screen you get an error | Bug | 2.3.0 | 3.2.0 | No | No | I have added new commodity codes preferences using various different combinations of data. However, unless you enter a value for 'Priority Ranking', you always get this error when you try to save: "Unable to cast object of type 'System.Data.ConstraintException' to type 'Ontech.Exception.OntechException" make 'Priority Ranking' mandatory | |
VB 204 | Transfer ARC messages are not handed correctly, so only the outwards record is created (unless the transfer is to another warehousekeeper on the same system) | Bug | 3.2.0 | No | No | 1) Transfers between the same warehousekeeper only have one record in the eAAD header table. We require two. We've just found out that HMRC will only send us one IE801 message where the source / destination warehouses share the same warehousekeeper code. 2) Transfers to an alternative warehousekeeper (on the same DB) are working correctly, with two records in the eAAD header table. This is because HMRC actually send us two IE801 messages in this scenario. We need to fix 1) above ensuring that 2) still continues to work. | ||
VB 198 | Instead of archiving transactions monthly, archive them daily to help keep the number of rows in the live tables consistent and avoid the table getting full towards the end of the month which increases the chance of timeouts | Improvement | 3.2.0 | No | Yes | We archive tblTransactionDetail monthly, in period end. Remove this, change it to daily. Also the number of days to archive is configurable in constants. | ||
VB 54 | Add a maintenance screen for table systblCommodityCode | Improvement | 2.1.1 | 3.2.0 | No | No | Modifications being made to add a Maintenance Screen within Commodity Codes so that customers can perform C.R.U.D operations. This will only be seen by users with user maintenance permissions. | |
VB 45 | Mail server authentication | Improvement | 3.2.0 | No | Yes | Make improvements to the Mail Server Authentication to ensure the program uses the 3 new constants any time it attempts to relay mail through the mail server. |
Release 3.1.0
Key | Summary | Issue Type | Affects Version/s | Fix Version/s | Apply License | System Config | FusionUID | Release Notes |
VB275 | W1 Page 15 & 16: If customer has no WOWGR the system is incorrectly filling this with the warehousekeepers WOWGR | Bug | 3.1.0 | No | No | W1 Pages 15 & 16 relating to new / leaving customers. The WOWGR should be blank if the customer does not have one. Currently we have an ISNULL check replacing NULLs with the warehousekeeper's WOWGR and Tony Musk from SDS at HMRC confirmed to JW on 11/11/2013 that this was incorrect. | ||
VB273 | Day end documents are using the company details at the time the stock was received into the system and not the time the transaction was made | Bug | 3.1.0 | No | No | Currently the day end documents (such as Duty Demand) are using the company name and address as they were at the time the stock was received. The result is that when a warehouse changed their name and the demands are all showing the old address. the day end documents have been modified to take this information at the time the transactions were made instead. This means that if the warehouse company name / address details are ever changed, that VB will show the correct company name / address at the close of one day and the new one thereafter, providing the VW address is changed by the user at the close of business before the name / address change. | ||
VB270 | CONTRL:4:1 error on submission of CFSP FSD since v3.0.1 changes | Bug | 3.0.1 | 3.1.0 | No | No | [This problem occured during the resolution of VB-263.] The following inquiry has been sent to SDS (HMRC) ...trying to send through an FSD under CFSP and get the following control error in response: UNB+UNOA:2+EDRCHIEF+EDCCBK::EDCCBK001+131015:1554+0017488251+EDCCBK10151526+CHIEFLIVE++++1'UNH+10663196526340+CONTRL:4:1:UN+FSD8'UCI+DTICHIEFEDI+EDCCBK+CHIEF+4'UCM+FSD8+CUSDEC:D:04A:UN:109710+4'UCS+11'UCD+10+2:2'UNT+6+10663196526340'UNZ+1+0017488251' As I understand, it is referring to the segment UNT+12:1’. SDS have confirmed that the error raised is incorrect. At present SDS are unable to ascertain why the FSD has been rejected. SDS have recommended a change to the output to avoid this being created, which has been done. | |
VB269 | Error on 'Day End Processing' screen when hitting 'Enter' when the cursor is in the site code field | Improvement | 3.0.1 | 3.1.0 | No | No | On the 'Day End Processing' screen, enter a site code and then hit <return>. You then get this error: 'Object reference not set to an instance of an object. DETAILS: at VisionBond.Client.frmMDI.cmdSearch_Click(Object sender, EventArgs e) | |
VB265 | Improvements to allow the system to send CFSP declarations for commodity codes in 'critical' status | Improvement | 3.1.0 | No | No | NJW-781-44322 | Error displayed to users: "E3882 - Quota is critical secured tax line required" Where a quota is status "Critical" you need to declare two Customs duty tax lines. - On the first you should claim the quota outright. - On the second you need to secure the difference between the full and quota duty rates on deposit. | |
VB225 | FSD changes to comply with CIP 71/13 | HMRC | 3.1.0 | No | No | Having received CIP 71/13 from HMRC which is a list of requirements HMRC are asking software developers to ensure FSDs comply with, reviewed these and concluded after getting confirmation from HMRC that we need to make the following changes: 1) Two segments exist which we do not currently submit, for Late Declarations, and Non Submitted Declarations which are mandatory if the totals are anything other than 0. 2) A late submission is anything with a movement date for the previous month being submitted after the end of the 4th working day (23:59:59) of the current month. 3) The FSD figure for total submissions needs to include in it's count any actually submitted in the month, even if they were for previous months 4) Do not allow the FSD to be generated if there are any CFSP declarations waiting to be sent, instead display the message "The FSD cannot be generated as there are submissions waiting to be imported into the CFSP module, please click 'Create Declarations' to start the process of importing and submitting these to HMRC". 5) Put an additional check on the create FSD button, when clicked, will return a count of the previous months unsubmitted declarations "There are a total of X submissions pending for the last period, do you want to continue and generate the FSD?" Yes / No. |
Release 3.0.1
UID | Summary | Issue Type | Affects Version/s | Fix Version/s | Apply License | Config Option | FusionUID | Release Notes |
VB 264 | Wrong email address when duty is being deffered to another account. | Bug | 3.0.1 | No | No | Movements imported from VW into VB have the wrong Deferment Owner Email Address when the order customer is not the same as the deferment owner customer | ||
VB 263 | CFSP FSD - Length of the ICRF field is 18 characters and the specification only allows for 14 | Bug | 3.0.1 | No | No | The length of the ICRF field was always 18, HMRC only allow 14 now so this was changed | ||
VB 261 | Duty cash deferment issues with changes in last release | Bug | 3.0.0 | 3.0.1 | No | No | Procedure was using the W5D number without thought that potentially a customer in multiple sites could get the same number at the beginning or during a month and cause this caulculation to be wrong. | |
VB 260 | Day end sequence numbering is reset incorrectly | Bug | 3.0.1 | No | No | This is either being done by period end or the day end number allocation routine. From discussions with users I believe this happened during day end either at the end of the day end process on 02/10/2013 or at the beginning of the process on 03/10/2013. The reason I believe it's day end is because after period end the numbers were all correct and started from 6000, then the second day we had this issue of them starting at 4000, so they were reset when they shouldn't of been. | ||
VB 259 | New CFSP fields are not being populated after HMRC rejection | Bug | 3.0.1 | No | No | New fields have been added | ||
VB 258 | Period end time out requires additional indexes to speed up the data retrieval for W1 generation | Bug | 3.0.1 | No | No | QFA-432-89621 | New index created to speed up and reduce the time out issues when running with large volumes of data | |
VB 255 | SADs still not automatically generating | Bug | 3.0.0 | 3.0.1 | No | No | The total warrant lines was being set as 0 when there were records in the table, this was happening on some orders from VW. A fix has been added to stop this from occuring so that all SAD documents will print | |
VB 253 | Indexes missing to retrieve SADs to print | Improvement | 3.0.1 | No | No | New indexes added to assist SAD printing | ||
VB 249 | If SAD record is missing from the print service control table it should be created when the user requests to regenerate the warrant document | Improvement | 3.0.1 | No | No | This refers to old documents which should be in the table, if missing we will recreate them | ||
VB 248 | The audit table is getting huge because it's auditing everything that the system itself is doing which is unnecessary | Improvement | 3.0.1 | No | No | We stopped logging items which were modified by the system running processes, only when a user makes a change. | ||
VB 246 | Day end is aborted during the emailing demands step when an invalid email address is encountered | Bug | 3.0.1 | No | No | Will now continue if there is an invalid address. | ||
VB 245 | Allocation of day end numbers was creating 'missing periods' incorrectly resulting in day end not running | Bug | 3.0.1 | No | No | HTD-477-23357 | Resolved | |
VB 244 | ARCs are not being updated from VB back to VW when processing an IE801 | Bug | 3.0.1 | No | No | KBR-792-62019 | ARCs are coming into VB as IE801s fine but this is no longer updating back to VW since the update to VB 3.0.0. | |
VB 243 | IE871 are not being processed | Bug | 3.0.1 | No | No | IIY-754-50643 | Economic Operators submitting an explanation on Shortage / IE871 are not processing when received through GetNewMessages Now processing | |
VB 220 | W1 report last page has a very minor spelling mistake | Improvement | 3.0.1 | No | No | Last page reads 'durng this return period' and not 'during this return period'. | ||
VB 218 | Day end intermittently timing out and potentially clashing with other processes, read uncommitted transactions to help prevent this | Improvement | 3.0.1 | No | No | Modified to process to stop this from locking | ||
VB 214 | VB - SAD forms - continuation not using full page | Bug | 3.0.1 | No | No | RFF-904-12552 | the continuation sheet on the SAD form are not placing three products per page but only one product per page. The report needs amending. | |
VB 110 | Upgrade Xceed Ultimate Suite 2013 v1 Update | Improvement | 3.0.1 | Updated all forms to latest version |
Release 3.0.0 (with 2.3.0 included)
UID | Summary | Issue Type | Affects Version/s | Fix Version/s | Apply License | System Config Option | FusionUID | Release Notes | |||||
VB-236 | Missing index is causing print service issues and SQL CPU usage problems | Bug | 3.0.0 | No | No | ||||||||
VB-235 | Change the print service routine to retrieve the records where users have requested a reprint where the transaction details are archived | Improvement | 3.0.0 | No | No | Ability to print from archives | |||||||
VB-234 | Period end timeouts generating W1 report | Bug | 3.0.0 | No | No | new indexes added to speed up the report output | |||||||
VB-232 | EMCS FS2.1 new messages | New Feature | 3.0.0 | No | No | New EMCS messages IE905. IE804, IE871 | |||||||
VB-231 | Customs duty payments on receipt are not being picked up for the EDI Excise & VAT summary report | Bug | 3.0.0 | No | No | ||||||||
VB-226 | "Object reference not set to an instance of an object" Error-While Processing IE 807 Message | Bug |
| 3.0.0 | No | No | |||||||
VB-221 | VB - SAD documents not generating | Bug | 3.0.0 | No | No | Some SAD documents are not automatically generating because the Vision Update Service is not correctly calculating 'TotalWarrantLines', as such, the records are not retrieved by the procedure which the Vision Bond Print Service uses to determine which records to print an SAD for | |||||||
VB-217 | W1 New Customers - only returning customer being declared | Bug | 2.3.0 | No | No | This is supposed to extract information relating to new or returning owners. | |||||||
VB-216 | VB - W1 Issues | Bug | 2.3.0 | No | No | YCI-304-91537 | HMRC reported modifications to the W1 required to provide only the relevant details as too much was being provided. | ||||||
VB-214 | VB - SAD forms - continuation not using full page | Bug | 2.3.0 | No | No | RFF-904-12552 | the continuation sheet on the SAD form are not placing three products per page but only one product per page. | ||||||
VB-213 | Calculation change for Value for VAT | Bug | 2.3.0 | No | No | The report needs amending for rounding figures on VAT | |||||||
VB-207 | W1 Section C reporting 'Potential Duty' double what it should be & Owner being reported incorrectly | Bug | 3.0.0 | No | No | YVD-517-56388 | |||||||
VB-203 | Create licensing capabilities to allow features of Bond to be controlled by a license | New Feature | 3.0.0 | No | No | New features now controlled by license. E.g. Sage extract for cash deferments. New module. | |||||||
VB-202 | IE-839 response is not updating if there exist corresponding Local Reference number with IsVisionDispatch=1 in the table tblEMCSeAADHeaders | Bug | 2.3.0 | No | No | ||||||||
VB-201 | Processing IE839 fails due to conditional sections within the messages | Bug | 2.3.0 | No | No | ||||||||
VB-194 | CFSP FSD Issues - VAT number hard coded & errors in response message are not fed back to the user | Bug | 2.3.0 | No | No | ||||||||
VB-193 | Set the print service query to read uncommitted transactions and prevent server locks | Improvement | 2.3.0 | No | No | Speed improvements | |||||||
VB-190 | Resetting the day end reference numbers when the first day of the month is a bank holiday causes a potential issue where numbers are reused towards the end of the month | Bug | 2.3.0 | No | No | relating to bank holidays falling on the first day of a new month. | |||||||
VB-189 | VB slow opening screen 'Forms W8/AAD/SAD Confirmation' | Improvement | 2.3.0 | No | No | Speed improvements when large volumes | |||||||
VB-187 | Duty and VAT Demand Part II is not required after VB-28 changes | Improvement | 2.3.0 | No | No | Removed as part of the day end | |||||||
VB-182 | EMCS message failing submission with no error | Bug | 2.3.0 | No | No | There was a space in the description at the beginning which is not allowed on the HMRC system | |||||||
VB-176 | CFSP cleanup of database fields | Improvement | 2.3.0 | No | No | ||||||||
VB-158 | Error handling when processing EMCS messages which fail | Improvement | 3.0.0 | No | No | When we have a problem processing EMCS messages (when calling GetNewMessages), the service crashes, and continually retries until the problem is resolved. This causes two problems... 1) Any subsequent messages are not processed until the error is resolved on the first one 2) HMRC have a problem with us continually requesting the same message as it's causing a problem on their system | |||||||
VB-135 | Ability to mark an ATWD submission as 'Manually Submitted' | Improvement | 2.3.0 | No | No | ZZQ-271-56718 | New facility to mark submissions as manually submitted. | ||||||
VB-72 | FS 2.1 | New Feature | 2.3.0 | previously reported, but split to 2 jobs | |||||||||
VB-68 | VB-64: Exchange rates for CFSP are being taken from VW and should come from VB tblTransactionDetail | Improvement | 2.3.0 | ||||||||||
VB-54 | Add a maintenance screen for table systblCommodityCode | Improvement | 3.0.0, 3.0.1 | Add a maintenance screen for table systblCommodityCode. Only users with user maintenace permissions should be able to view this screen. They will then be able to perform C.R.U.D operations. | |||||||||
VB-33 | Navigation Search | Improvement | 2.3.0 | 1) Would like the ability to be able to search on a range of dates both FROM and TO 2) Bond navigation pane should default to the tree search where you can choose what you want to search for, currently it goes straight to a particular search when you open the app | |||||||||
VB-25 | Sage 50 & 200 extract for Duty | New Feature | 3.0.0 | Yes | Yes | New feature - Module for VB to provide a Sage extract for Duty for Sage 50 and 200, in the same way as Vision Invoicing. | |||||||
VB-3 | ATWD Submission Pause | Improvement | 2.3.0 | Modifications being made in order to allow for W5(d) to be submitted using single files/submissions rather than sending each one individually. |
Release 2.2.0
Project | Fix Version/s | IssueID | FusionUID | Summary | Release Notes |
Vision Bond | 2.2.0 | Outwards part of a Transfer order for one site is not updated | |||
Vision Bond | 2.2.0 | EMCS Timeouts - VB ARC's not updating Warehousing | |||
Vision Bond | 2.2.0 | Timeout when generating W1 form | |||
Vision Bond | 2.2.0 | VB-117 issue is reoccurring | |||
Vision Bond | 2.2.0 | Duplicated ARC in Vision Warehousing | |||
Vision Bond | 2.2.0 | W1 cigarettes figures should be reporting 1000s but are 10 times too high | |||
Vision Bond | 2.2.0 | VB - Not able to Edit/View Declarations for CFSP | |||
Vision Bond | 2.2.0 | VB - Orders rejected going to Status 'O' | |||
Vision Bond | 2.2.0 | Shortages on the W1 are not showing correctly |
Project | Fix Version/s | IssueID | FusionUID | Summary | Release Notes |
Vision Bond | 2.2.0 | Day end document number allocation is extremely slow for sites with a large number of transactions to process | Modifications being made to the way document numbers are generated and allocated during the Day End Process. This will in turn help to increase the speed at which Duty & VAT demands are sent out. | ||
Vision Bond | 2.2.0 | Speed up fncGetExciseDuty4Transactions | |||
Vision Bond | 2.2.0 | Ability to mark an ATWD submission as 'Manually Submitted' | Modifications being made to allow for customers to be able to mark W5 submissions as Manually Submitted within the ATWD screen. | ||
Vision Bond | 2.2.0 | PeriodEndProcessing.exe version check - Please change it so that it uses the main VB version number | Modifications being made to the Period End Processing function so that it automatically uses the main VB version number instead of it having to be manually changed with every upgrade. | ||
Vision Bond | 2.2.0 | Errors creating CFSP declarations are not returned to the user, when failures occur, it says 'Successful' |
Release 2.1.17
Project | Fix Version/s | IssueID | FusionUID | Summary | Release Notes |
Vision Bond | 2.1.16, 2.1.17 | Vision Bond not printing SAD Documents for lines only requiring documents | |||
Vision Bond | 2.1.17 | EMCS Timeouts - VB ARC's not updating Warehousing | |||
Vision Bond | 2.1.17 | Failed to enable constraints at VisionUpdateService.ServiceManager.ExportTransactionWarrants(DataSet dsStockMovement, DataAccess dataAccess) |
Project | Fix Version/s | IssueID | FusionUID | Summary | Release Notes |
Vision Bond | 2.1.16, 2.1.17 | LKZ-713-71308 | CFSP Certificates field needs to be submitted in Box 44 for Customs Information Paper: (12) 63 & (13) 01 |
Release 2.1.16
Project | Fix Version/s | IssueID | FusionUID | Summary | Release Notes |
Vision Bond | 2.1.16, 2.1.17 | Vision Bond not printing SAD Documents for lines only requiring documents | |||
Vision Bond | 2.1.16 | Vision Bond EMCS Error - after 2.1.15 Workflow update | |||
Vision Bond | 2.1.16 | Error in VisionWorkflow.EMCSServices.ProcessNewMessages() at VisionWorkflow.Services.EMCSServices.SaveCD840Message(IE840Type cd840AMessage) | |||
Vision Bond | 2.1.16 | Error in VisionWorkflow.EMCSServices.ProcessNewMessages() - Object reference not set to an instance of an object | |||
Vision Bond | 2.1.16 | Outwards part of a Transfer order for Vinotechque is not updated |
Project | Fix Version/s | IssueID | FusionUID | Summary | Release Notes |
Vision Bond | 2.1.16, 2.1.17 | LKZ-713-71308 | CFSP Certificates field needs to be submitted in Box 44 for Customs Information Paper: (12) 63 & (13) 01 |
Project | Fix Version/s | IssueID | FusionUID | Summary | Release Notes |
Vision Bond | 2.1.16 | VB DB Changes to help speed up the customs duty payment update from VW | Modifications being made to the VB database in order to speed up the Customs Duty Payment update from VW. | ||
Vision Bond | 2.1.16 | CFSP submissions fail when a '#' appears in one of the fields | Modifications to remove '#' from the Product Description and Customer Name/Address fields as this is causing HMRC to reject CFSP submissions. |
Release 2.1.15
Project | Fix Version/s | IssueID | FusionUID | Summary | Release Notes |
Vision Bond | 2.1.15 | Vision Bond timeouts using SAD Confirmation screen | |||
Vision Bond | 2.1.15 | VB print service is generating SAD's without waiting for an ARC when there are a mixture of 1) lines on the order that do not require an ARC 2) lines that do require an ARC | |||
Vision Bond | 2.1.15 | EMCS status getting set incorrectly | |||
Vision Bond | 2.1.15 | ATWD 'Index was outside the bounds of the array' error when attempting a submission | |||
Vision Bond | 2.1.15 | CFSP Rejections screen is only showing the error message of the first rejection |
Release 2.1.14
** Bug
Project | Fix Version/s | IssueID | FusionUID | Summary | Release Notes |
Vision Bond | 2.1.14 | Timeout issues when opening W8/AAD/SAD confirmation screen | |||
Vision Bond | 2.1.14 | Error when sending SAD emails | |||
Vision Bond | 2.1.14 | Trader name with & in xml submission file. | |||
Vision Bond | 2.1.14 | VB creating an ARC ref when it's no needed on certain order type. | |||
Vision Bond | 2.1.14 | Bond Docs printed with extra lines which should not be included on the SAD Form | |||
Vision Bond | 2.1.14 | Update workflow EMCS web services to HMRC version 2.1 from version 2.0 | |||
Vision Bond | 2.1.14 | SAD Copy 4 / 5 suppressed fields - Check if they should be suppressed | |||
Vision Bond | 2.1.14 | W5 printouts (tax code section) are incorrect when a mixture of S and Z VAT rated products are a part of the transactions | |||
Vision Bond | 2.1.14 | Statuses are sometimes incorrectly being updated to 0, this means the orders vanish from users sight in the EMCS screen | |||
Vision Bond | 2.1.14 | Forms W8/AAD/SAD Confirmations giving child with multiple parents error | |||
Vision Bond | 2.1.14 | W1 Section C corrections for EMCS | |||
Vision Bond | 2.1.14 | Hard coded connection strings in VB | |||
Vision Bond | 2.1.14 | EMCS service uses tblSite in VW and this is causing deadlocks | |||
Vision Bond | 2.1.14 | VB print service timeout - define the timeout in the config file | |||
Vision Bond | 2.1.14 | When searching for ARCs awaiting receipt in VW it does not return anything because VB is searching the wrong field | |||
Vision Bond | 2.1.14 | Print service is not generating SADs under certain circumstances because it's incorrectly checking the IsCustomsDutyPaidInUK field | |||
Vision Bond | 2.1.14 | ATWD timing out as it's attempting to update the archive transactions which is not necessary | |||
Vision Bond | 2.1.14 | ATWD submission slow for day end due to missing index |
** Improvement
Project | Fix Version/s | IssueID | FusionUID | Summary | Release Notes |
Vision Bond | 2.1.14 | SAD regeneration from VB | Add the ability to be able to regenerate SAD from VB. This will appear as a text box called Stock Pick ID on the screen. | ||
Vision Bond | 2.1.14 | CFSP screen - allow maximise | Modifications to allow for the CFSP screen to be maximised in VB. | ||
Vision Bond | 2.1.14 | Reprint of Bond documents - SAD forms - provide user ability | Modifications to add the ability for customers to be able to reprint Bond Documents within VB themselves. |
** New Feature
Project | Fix Version/s | IssueID | FusionUID | Summary | Release Notes |
Vision Bond | 2.1.14 | EMCS October 2012 modification - IE840 Event Report and the IE871 Reason for Shortage | Modification to include the 2 new messages relating to EMCS, that are being made available by HMRC. |
Release 2.1.13
** Bug
* [VB-139] - CFSP changes to correct the problems caused by changes in 2.1.12
* [VB-140] - ATWD submission error - MSXML - Warrant Submission has failed - Retrieving COM class factory - Class not registered
* [VB-142] - Object reference not set to an instance of an object error while saving 813 response
Release 2.1.12
** Bug
* [VB-75] - Unable to send SAD reminders via the W8/AAD/SAD Confirmation screen
* [VB-91] - Creating a new RoR in VB - Validation required
* [VB-120] - W1 Section C changes for EMCS
* [VB-137] - Losses in store received from VW are duplicated, this doesn't cause any data issues in VB but it slows the posting routine
** Improvement
* [VB-126] - GetNewMessages - When message count received from HMRC = 0 we are storing the response file and we shouldn't be
Release 2.1.11
** Bug
* [VB-132] - CFSP declarant name / address element logic
* [VB-134] - SADs are not printing when only some lines on the order do not require an SAD
** Improvement
* [VB-136] - Update service - Should process EMCS data first, then movements, we should also be able to turn these on / off in the config file
Release 2.1.10
** Bug
* [VB-111] - Processing messages fails with no retry - messages are then lost and can only be found in the XML 'responses' folder
* [VB-129] - problem with Declarant segment in CFSP submission
Release 2.1.9
** Bug
* [VB-67] - GSP Certificates for Commodity code 2206005900
* [VB-123] - Changes to the SAD Box 2 fields
* [VB-124] - CFSP Response Errors E1036 and E2964
* [VB-128] - Commodity codes with 8 characters causing error when creating declarations
Release 2.1.8
** Bug
* [VB-59] - Customs Duty Payment movements for commodity codes using CustomsRatePercentage calculating wrong CustomsDutyValue
* [VB-63] - Stock Maintenance Adjustments not update tblStockAudit in VB
* [VB-83] - Vision Update Service & Print Service doesn't update the day end lock when the service stops
* [VB-84] - Values needed to calculate the warrant values are not showing on the screen
* [VB-86] - EMCS - When using Fallback the VD delivery creation times out every time after 1 minute
* [VB-100] - PeriodEndProcessing.exe is no longer installed by the installer
* [VB-102] - Complement Consignee Serial Number of Certificate Exemption cannot be amended in the eAAD amend screen
* [VB-104] - Processing a 704 RoR Rejection message does not update the status of the RoR record nor can the error lines been seen in the front end
* [VB-107] - C88 change the consignor ID no tot he customs warehouse ID, ie Axxxxxx
* [VB-116] - EMCS Lines not always incremental
* [VB-117] - Workflow updates VD when an ARC is retrieved, but it shouldn't when VW 'GetARCAfterPick' is enabled
* [VB-118] - VB using local Reference to update records.
* [VB-121] - Commodity Code length
* [VB-122] - EORI Number is hard coded in CFSP Declaration
* [VB-112] - SAD - Export Declaration Changes - 28/12/2012 - Box 40 ARC Number
* [VB-114] - C88 Form - Box 1 Showing EX for Transfers when it should be IM
* [VB-115] - C88 Form - Box 37 - Wrong Procedure Code
** Improvement
* [VB-77] - Box 2 C88 SAD showing incorrect details
Release 2.1.7
** Bug
* [VB-99] - EMCS - CoD submission - Transport arranger issue
* [VB-103] - EMCS Transfer order issues
* [VB-105] - Warehousing search screen for inwards EAADS sometimes does not return all rows
* [VB-106] - Transfers showing wrong figures in VW EMCS pre advice screen
* [VB-108] - CFSP has hardcoded values for some of the fields in the file, these values are incorrect for other CFSP customers
* [VB-109] - Submitting RoR with refused quantities fails with reason 'invalid content found at element 'RefusedQuantity''
Release 2.1.6
** Bug
* [VB-82] - Error when searching for SAD
* [VB-94] - RoR submission not submitting Delivery Place Trader field when the destination is a Tax Warehouse, Direct Delivery or Unknown destination
* [VB-95] - RoR status is only being updated in tblEMCSeAADHeader table and not the RoR tables
* [VB-96] - Net / gross weight on submissions is to 5 decimal places and should be to 2
* [VB-97] - Report of Receipts search screen cannot load records now
* [VB-98] - The query which returns data for ARCs waiting receipt (to VW) does not return ARCs with status 'Reminder for Report of Receipt'
Release 2.1.5
** Bug
* [VB-78] - Tobacco / Cigarette adjustment calculation issue
* [VB-80] - 'OtherAlcoholProduct' ATWD submission is using 'VariableRateAlcoholProduct' when should only be tax codes 440 / 441
* [VB-87] - EMCS - Notifications is giving an error when loading the form
* [VB-89] - EMCS - The INWARDS ARC is not created for transfer orders because the ARC already exists in the table
* [VB-92] - VB Manual RoR did not submit the shortage / exceed that I'd input for J471.
* [VB-93] - EMCS service crashes means the service does not continue to poll until the problem is corrected
** Improvement
* [VB-90] - Change of destination unavailable for status 'Receipt of Receipt Reminder'
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