Delivery Point Pricing
Use this screen to Add new or Edit existing pricing against a specific Delivery Point.
Delivery Point Pricing allows you to raise priced Delivery Notes to the Delivery Points.
This provides the Extract for your Customer.
To use Delivery Point Pricing you must turn the option on for the Customer the Delivery Point is associated with.
Format Matching field.
This field is used to pattern match the Delivery Point Code on incoming EDI files DPAccountRef (Delivery Point Account Reference) field.
The system will first try and exact match and if that is not found it will use the formatting entered in this field to try and find a match.
Where you want to match an alphabetical character you place a 'C' and where you want to match a numerical character you place an 'N'.
In the screenshot, you can see that 'DURA01' becomes 'CCCCNN' for the purpose of pattern matching.
The system will switch from Case Band to Pallet Band once the number of Cases on the Delivery reaches the value set in the Use pallet charge band from the field on the View/Edit Customer Detail screen.
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