2104 CSV Output
Field Name | Length | Notes |
CustomerCode | 8 | Your customer code with the warehouse |
ProductCode | 50 |
Description | 50 |
Rotation | 10 or 15 | Rotation Number in the format YY/Dnnnnnn and where rotation line number are in use then YY/Dnnnnnn/nnnn. The 15 digit format is only used when necessary, normally only shows 10 digits unless a line number exists. |
DateReceived | 10 |
SPC | 5 | Singles per case |
PC | 6 | Present Cases |
PS | 6 | Present Singles |
TotalS | 6 | Present total amount in single items. To find your total stock in bond you need to add the Present and Frozen case figures together. |
FzC | 6 | Frozen Cases |
FzS | 6 | Frozen Singles |
TotalFzS | 6 | Total Frozen in singles |
ExciseDP | 3 | Yes or No indicator whether the items have duty paid. |
Reserve | 8 | Only completed is the stock has a reserve customer code allocated |
BBD | 10 | Best Before Date |
Year | 4 | Alternatively ‘vintage’ |
Batch | 30 | Your batch number (if known) |
CustomsDP | 3 | Free Circulation - Yes / No - is customs duty paid |
OWC | 3 | Original Wooden Case – Yes / No |
DStamp | 3 | Duty Stamped - Yes / No |
SS | 8.5 | Single Size |
CPP | 6 | Cases per Pallet |
PPackCd | 8 | Packaging Code |
PPAckDesc | 50 | Will be made up from database fields <Singles per case> X <Single Size> e.g. 6 x 0.75 2007 Per Pallet : 112 |
TotalSUB | 8 | Total Singles Underbond |
TotalSDP | 8 | Total Single Duty Paid |
PBrand | 50 | Product Brand |
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