VC v2020.0.4
Release Date | 19/08/2020 |
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ID | Summary | Issue Type | Description | Linked to |
VC-2458 | Bi Enquiries - Stock Value and Cost of Sales | Report | 5 Additional Reports have been added 326 Stock Value Snapshot by Warehouse 623-626 Cost of Sales (various periods) |
VC-2454 | Posting - Stock Movements | Issue | Corrections to Stock Adjustments Defaulting the stock value into the sales movement total in error |
VC-2462 | PO Document - Discount | Bug | Despite report manager having "show discount" checked the field was being blocked by another field on top of the discount field. |
VC-2453 | Deliver orders - order not delivering | Bug | The "Deliver Order" button was found to not work for one particular customer order, when clicked the screen refreshed and the order remained. This was a very specific issue relating to non rotation warehouses | VSUP-14985 |
VC-2450 | Deliver orders - (manual) incorrect delivery qty | Bug | If an order fails to be delivered automatically there are instances where the quantity of stock being delivered is higher than what it should be. | VSUP-14957 |
VC-2451 | Stock transfer - PO Quantity's do not match | Bug | PO creating with wrong quantity on stock transfer |
VC-2443 | SO docs - prices | Bug | The unit & single prices displayed must be driven direct from the SO entry, this is not currently happening for acknowledgements, invoices and credit notes. |
VC-2441 | Customer maintenance - transactions | Bug | For systems linked with a clouds accounts package such as Xero, in customer maintenance when clicking on the transaction tab no data is retrieved and an error relating to Sage is displayed. Xero do not offer a way for developers to retrieve the transactions automatically, so the tab will be disabled for Xero and other accounts packages where it is not supported. In a future version, a link will be made available on the screen to allow the users to click it and take them straight to the contact activity in the browser. | VSUP-14872 |
VC-2440 | SO - Price auto calculation | Bug | When a customer system is configured to use new price calculation (Units x UnitPrice + Singles x SinglePrice), the singles price is not automatically updated when the user changes the unit price. The system will be changed to do this automatically but only when the product default sales prices are already exactly divisible. At the same time all customer systems will be updated to use the new calculation as described above. | VSUP-14750 |
VC-2439 | Stock transfer - confirm delivery duplicating qtys | Bug | When part delivering a Stock Transfer Internal - through the warehouse API and manually, it is creating new POs and multiplying the quantity of receiving goods by the number of POs it is creating. | VSUP-14765 |
VC-2438 | Cloud accounts - billing docs xrate precision | Bug | The exchange rate is being rounded to 2 decimal places, this should allow the full precision which VC allows elsewhere. | VLIVE-284 |
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