VC v2021.2.0
Release Date | 01/07/2021 |
Other Application Requirements |
Warnings or Notices |
UID | Summary | Issue Type | Description | Linked to |
VC-2692 | BI 309 - Producer Name | Report | Report 309 - added producer name to the outputs. | VSUP-17159 |
VC-2492 | Allocation and submission automation | New Feature | Expansion of the feature introduced in (v2021), to allow customers to control what kind of orders are auto allocated (none / API / manually keyed / all), and against the warehouse determine if the auto allocated orders will be automatically submitted or not. This will give customers the ability to, for example auto allocate all orders received from their website but to allocate their manually keyed orders themselves, it will also allow customers to, for example auto submit orders to one warehouse group but not another. At the same time:
| VC-2506 |
VC-2869 | SOP - line entry product code paste | Issue | Under very specific circumstances when pasting a Product Code the Description and Prices are not being filled in causing an error 'Product Code is Mandatory'. | VSUP-19213 |
VC-2828 | Interfaces - Excel price list upload | Issue | Object reference error displayed when uploading a specific excel spreadsheet. | VSUP-18778 |
VC-2815 | SOP/POP - Save prompt | Issue | If you close a sales order after clicking the line items tab you are asked to save even when no changes have been made. | VSUP-18423 |
VC-2498 | Price list maintenance - UB price updates | Improvement | Update is not automatic for UB prices when the DP prices are modified. There will be a button added which will auto calculate the UB for the line. |
VC-2472 | Stock movement posting - control | Improvement | The options for controlling Stock Movement Posting will now be available in the System Configuration Options screen, in the 'Accounts' tab:
Ability in System Configuration Options to also enable automatic posting of the stock movement posting from VC to your accounts system. The automatic posting process is handled by a separate server application so in this version of VC you can configure your preferences, and when the server application changes are complete and live it will start to use the settings you are configured. | VC-2490 |
VC-2466 | Transfer movement types | Improvement | In the movement types we have 'Stock Transfers' which are used for both inbound and outbound movements, these will be separated to allow us to more easily identify which is which in reporting. | VC-2455 |
VC-2446 | Cloud accounts - customer transactions | Improvement | Transactions (contact activity) are available in Customer Maintenance again in the Transactions tab (available to all users regardless of whether they have access to the accounts system or not (plus a new ability to click a button and open the customer in the accounts system (only available to users with access to the accounts system). | VC-2441 |
VC-2428 | VL product code request - colour & type | Improvement | The new Liv-ex LWIN request service requires us to send the colour and type through. Changes to VC to allow these values to be set prior to requesting an LWIN. | VLIVE-252 |
VC-2403 | Dynamic code options | Improvement | Allow the use of the "Product Type Code" held against the commodity code to be used as a selection for the dynamic product creation tool.
This would be in line with what is available at the warehouse. The codes would be brought in line with those available at the warehouse. |
VC-2697 | SOP - line price colouring | Design Change | The red / yellow price colouring if the prices are not divisible is accurate to the decimal which is too accurate, this will be changed to allow customers to define the variance. |
VC-2882 | SOP invoices - changing output method | Bug | When changing the output method in pending invoices the invoice is not being output. | VSUP-19480 |
VC-2880 | SOP - insufficient stock hold | Bug | Saving an order with products that have no stock is not putting the order into held status. | VSUP-19490 |
VC-2879 | SOP documents - historical credit notes | Bug | There are no credit notes showing in historical invoices. | VSUP-19482 |
VC-2867 | BI enquiries - error when loading | Bug | A couple of BI enquiries are taking a long time to run and returning an error on customers with a large amount of data even when using small start / end date ranges) but working fine for clients with a small amount of data. |
VC-2866 | Stock adjustment - increase | Bug | Insufficient stock error message displayed when adjusting stock (increasing) in some scenarios. | VSUP-19209 |
VC-2860 | Interfaces - price list upload | Bug | The price list upload is validated but prices are not updated. | VSUP-19046 |
VC-2844 | Excellar SO - Mandatory rotation | Bug | When entering a detail line on an Direct (Ex-Cellar) type sales order it is requesting a Rotation number after entering the quantity, when the product has SO Rotation Mandatory ticked, but the rotation field is read only for this order type. | VSUP-18864 |
VC-2832 | SOP - Promotional & financial | Bug | When ticking Financial then ticking Promotion this would untick the Financial Order however when saving the order financial is ticked. | VSUP-18860 |
VC-2829 | Stock transfer - warehouse selection | Bug | When entering a stock transfer order for a warehouse group that has more than one warehouse, after selecting the warehouse it's reverting to the first after adding an order line. | VSUP-18791 |
VC-2826 | Invoicing - incorrect attachments | Bug | Multiple invoices to same email address are sometimes not attaching files correctly. | VSUP-18639 |
VC-2825 | SOP - underbond with VAT code S | Bug | VAT Code is changing to S when saving an underbond order when the customer has multiple delivery address with same code but different under bond type. The system was using the first record it found for the code and not referencing the customer account / DP code. | VSUP-18667 |
VC-2821 | Products maintenance - upload image | Bug | When product image is uploaded/reopened in Product Maintenance screen, it shows out of memory error for jpgs over 1MB in size. |
VC-2818 | SOP - line total (deleted lines) | Bug | After delivering an SO with 2 or more line items, if one line is cancelled (from Deliver Orders) the total amount is not updated. |
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