VC v2023.3
Release Date |
Other Application Requirements |
Warnings or Notices | This is for the new alcohol duty system due 1st August
EDI File Specification Changes
Template ID | Name | Modification |
New Features
UID | Summary | Issue Type | Description |
VC-3491 | ADR - Alcohol Duty Reform | HMRC | In preparation for the 1st August 2023 go live of the Alcohol Duty Reform changes announced by HMRC several minor changes have been made to the application. The strength (ABV) is now available on the purchase order, this is defaulted from the product record and submitted to the any electronically integrated warehouses. At receipt the actual value can be amended, or retrieved from the warehouse and stored against the rotation. The ABV is now also available in the stock & product search results. |
Other Release Notes
UID | Summary | Issue Type | Affects versions | Description |
VC-3489 | PO - Stock Transfer Orders | Issue | 2023.2.0 | These are showing as waiting invoice when there will never be an invoice for them. |
VC-3490 | SOP - archived delivery points F11 / F12 | Issue | 2023.1.0 | F11 / F12 search of delivery points did not default the archived option, when the user attempted to add an archived delivery point to the order it then told them they can’t. |
VC-3488 | Sales order - held orders | Bug | 2023.2.0 | Taking a sales order off hold could leave records in the database causing issues later on. |
VC-3498 | Sales period comparison report - divide by zero error | Bug | 2023.1.0 | Sales period comparison by customer & products were erroring when current and previous period ordered TSingles were zero. |
VC-3499 | RMA - stock return non rotation warehouse | Bug | 2023.1.0 | When receipting stock on an RMA into a non rotation warehouse, a problem existed with the record being created which meant the stock could not be adjusted. |
VC-3503 | Customer maintenance - removing a price list | Bug | 2023.1.0 | If you set a price list on a customers account, users were unable to deselect it afterwards, there was no blank option in the list. |
VC-3507 | Nominal control accounts - saving | Bug | 2023.1.0 | When amending the Suspense account within Nominal Controls Account and then save it, the system reverted it back. So users were unable to amend it, this also happened on the Overhead Cost account. |
VC-3513 | Product maintenance & reports - stock on PO | Bug | 2023.2.0 | Stock on a PO is not showing up on product maintenance or on many reports. |
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