VC v2022.2.9
Release Date | 12/10/2022 |
Other Application Requirements |
Warnings or Notices |
EDI File Specification Changes
New Features
Other Release Notes
UID | Summary | Issue Type | Affects versions | Description |
VC-3339 | SOP - price when changing customer | Change | 2022.2.8 | After starting an order as one customer, entering an order line then changing to another customer there was no opportunity to update the prices based on the new customer selected and more importantly when continuing to add new lines the default prices were not for the newly selected customer. |
VC-3349 | SOP - price list / customer discount setting | Bug | 2022.2.8 | System setting Apply Cust Discount to SOs Price List was disabled and yet the application was still applying the customer discount unless the price list price format was set to “Range Price”. |
VC-3346 | PO acknowledgement - header blank | Bug | 2022.2.8 | Some PO acknowledgements would show a blank header line, until exported to PDF. |
VC-3343 | SOP - deferment & pricing | Bug | 2022.1.3 | Reopening a sales order would wipe the deferment fields thus causing incorrect prices to be defaulted when adding additional lines. Improvement made to SO line entry to show whether lines were defaulted to a duty paid or underbond price. |
VC-3333 | Accounts integration - invoice date | Bug | 2022.2.8 | When the invoice date was amended then an invoice was posted over to the accounts system it was setting the invoice date to be one day less than it should’ve been. |
VC-3329 | Warehouse integration - orders pick confirmed quantity error | Bug | 2022.1.3 | An SQL error was sometimes displayed when a user attempted to manually process “Orders Pick Confirmed” data from the “Processing” tab in warehouse “Document Management” screen. |
VC-3327 | SO despatches - stock balance | Bug | 2022.2.8 | Instances were found on a system where the movements did not balance with the in stock quantities, this could not be replicated so a safeguard has been introduced on affected customer systems to prevent this from occurring again. |
VC-3325 | Invoice - Sales invoice (309) | Bug | 2022.2.8 | Sales invoice (309) Sales left 2022 with group wouldn't load invoice details. |
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