Fixing rejections

Fixing rejections


After submitting declarations to HMRC, you ‘Pull Notifications’ to receive the messages they’ve queued for you. Sometimes they’ll reject your declarations (more info here: Using CDS day-to-day | Handling rejections / failures), this page will help you correct them to resubmit and get a successful response.

Rejection messages displayed are exactly as received from HMRC, they usually refer to problems with particular fields in the declaration. Our field names closely match HMRC’s field names which will help you locate the problem fields.

Having a good understanding of HMRC’s CDS declaration structure (and therefore the structure of our screen which closely resembles it) is imperative to easily understand where in your data the problems lie, for more info see: Declaration structure | Declaration structure.

Our guidance

Find below the common rejections with information about how to fix them.


Tag name

Element name

Validation Code & Description


Tag name

Element name

Validation Code & Description



Declaration Additional Document


DAN Error: Account number is not recognised; or Account is suspended or revoked, or Parties declared on the declaration do not have authority to use account number provided.

This refers to the deferment account number visible in Declaration > Other Details > Additional Document and is either because of the reasons provided, or most commonly because the EORI of the deferment account owner is incorrect in Shipment(s) > Shipment View/Edit > Importer > ID.

Type Code

…or Category Code


Obligation error: obligation rule not met

This can sometimes appear if a user edits or adds an ‘Additional Document’ within the declaration items without properly setting the ‘Import Certificate’ field. In this case the record disappears from the screen but is still sent in the message to customs, please contact support if you have this issue for the record to be manually removed.

This will be fixed in an upcoming version of Bond to prevent this from happening, reference VB-1290.


Address Line

…or… CityName

…or… PostcodeID

…or… Country Type


Obligation error: obligation rule not met

This means that the field has been omitted and must be provided, the ‘Tag name’ will indicate where this is missing, ‘DeclarationExporter’ can be found by clicking ‘Declaration’ tab followed by ‘Exporter/Declarant/Agent’ and looking at the ‘Exporter’ fields.


Goods shipment importer


Authorization error: invalid Party ID

This indicates that the ID provided (usually the EORI) is invalid.

'Goods shipment importer' means you have to click the ‘Shipment(s)’ tab > top (Shipments) grid click View/Edit > modify the ‘Importer’ information.




Missing additional code:[X***]

This suggests that the stock was receipted with an invalid tax / commodity code combination.

Click ‘Shipment(s)’ tab, bottom (Items) grid click View/Edit > using the ‘Nom Classif ID’ (Commodity Code), check in the https://www.trade-tariff.service.gov.uk/sections ‘Imports’ section for that commodity code what the permitted ‘Excise additional codes' (tax codes) are.

Either the ‘Nom Classif ID', 'TARIC Classif ID’ or 'Classif ID' will need to be amended.

If the message returned is “Missing additional code: [VATZ]” in this scenario ‘VATZ’ needs to be added within Declaration > Shipment > Items > Commodity > Classif ID along with a Classification Type, for example VATZ with classification type ‘TRA’. This must not be used for customs duty payments. It is for use with excise products.



Invalid nomenclature codes

In this case check Declaration > Shipment > Items > Commodity Nom Classif ID & TARIC Classif ID (combined) is correct by checking the tariff.



Missing document

Indicates that the commodity being submitted requires an entry in the Declaration > Shipment > Items > Additional Document section. Refer to the online tariff, search for the commodity being declared (Nom Classif ID + TARIC Classif ID e.g. 04049021 + 00 = 0404902100), if the declaration is Trade Movement Type ‘IM’ then click the ‘Imports’ tab and look for any ‘Conditions’ which will explain the documents required and their codes. For example 0404902100 veterinary controls shows a condition for document N853.

If a code is mentioned which we don’t have in the system then contact support to have it added. Refer: https://visionsoftware.atlassian.net/wiki/spaces/VSKB/pages/1306099733

This same section of the tariff also mentions the document status codes which are permitted for the document which can be entered into the LPCO Exemption Code field within the ‘Additional Document’ record.



Missing Preference Certificate

This rejection can occur when using a GSP preference and you don’t have U164 / 5 / 6 / 7 listed as an import certificate within the Declaration > Goods Shipment Item > Additional Document section.

If you have N954 listed, this is incorrect and cannot be used for GSP so remove and replace with one of the codes above along with it’s relevant ID.

Alternatively add the document code above in as an additional document.



See Known issues / workarounds.

HMRC guidance

CDS Error Codes

Customs Declaration Service error codes

This document outlines how to resolve common error code responses which may appear if incorrect, invalid, or unauthorised information is input into a declaration.

The document provides:

  • A list of common CDS error codes for import and export declarations.

  • A description of the error code.

  • An explanation of the error code.

This will help you to correct CDS submissions, should declarations be subject to issues or rejections.

Known differences between CDS and the UK Trade Tariff: Volume 3 for CDS

Consolidated Workaround Document

In response to requests from the CDS developer community, HMRC has developed a Consolidated CDS Workaround Document, which you can find attached. This asset aims to provide a consolidated list of all known workarounds applicable to CDS, derived from both the Known Differences document, which this asset has now supplanted, as well as entries from the Known Error Log which currently have workarounds. Where possible, estimated resolution dates have also been included, in order that the user knows for how long each workaround will be applicable.

As this document update is an accompaniment to a ‘dot’ release (3.8.1) it has been used to provide additional entries, as well as modified resolution dates. The next round of resolution packages and KEL fixes will be deployed as part of CDS 3.9.0, dates for which can be found via the CDS External Test Release Roadmap on the CDS Developer Hub.

Please note, the Consolidated Workaround Document is not exhaustive, and will be updated alongside each production release to reflect resolution progress, and any additional entries which may come to light. Designed to support declarants in making successful submissions, the entries listed should not pose a barrier to your clients’ migration.

Additional Documents & their Status Codes

When Document IDs and Reasons are required and for which document types


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