Communicating with HMRC

Communicating with HMRC

Submitting declarations


Clicking the ‘Submit’ button on the right side of the screen will take all imported declarations (visible on the ‘To Submit’ tab at the top) and submit them to customs, progress will be displayed on the screen.

Alternatively you can submit declarations individually, click the ‘Edit’ button in the grid followed by ‘Save & Submit’.

Declarations will move from the ‘To Submit’ tab to ‘Awaiting Response’.

Receiving updates (pull notifications)

To retrieve updates for submitted declarations, click ‘Pull Notifications’. The latest messages will be retrieved and your declaration statuses updated.

If a declaration has been rejected, it’ll be moved to the ‘Requires Attention’ tab.

If there are further messages to be received, the declaration will remain in the ‘Awaiting Response’ tab.

Otherwise if it’s cleared it’ll be available in the ‘All’ tab, which also includes declarations in any of the other tabs on screen.


Look out for any declarations which have the ‘Failure’ box in the grid ticked, this means the message received from customs could not be read. Clicking the declaration displays a ‘Reprocess’ button which allows you to attempt to reprocess that failed message which may or may not resolve the problem, if it does not then please report these to the support team at the earliest.

‘Requires Attention’ and ‘Awaiting Response’ tabs should always be clear:

  • Requires Attention - users must correct and resubmit these

  • Awaiting Response - users must check that HMRC provide responses to these and that they clear out, if they do not then contact customs as this could indicate a problem.

Viewing HMRC notification data

This is visible by clicking the declaration and then the ‘HMRC’ tab below (this is only usually available for declarations that have been accepted).

To see the customs duty value calculated and charged by customs, click the HMRC tab > Tax > expand ‘Type Code' A00 and look for the ‘Payment Amount'. This is likely to be zero if a quota / preference has been used, and the ‘Tax Assessed Amount’ will show what the value would’ve been if that wasn’t the case.

To compare the ‘Estimated Tax’ to the ‘Payment Amount’ returned by customs, use Reports & enquiries | CDS Import Customs Duties, we recommend this is checked regularly.

Querying CDS

Use the ‘Check HMRC Status’ button to connect to HMRC’s live system and return the Movement Reference Numbers assigned to your declaration and their information:

Multiple MRNs will be returned if the declaration has been rejected and resubmitted.

HMRC Responses

In a later version of Bond these numbers will be replaced with their description, in the meantime use the tables below to find the meanings of the codes returned.

Route of Entry Codes

ROE Code


ROE Code



Risking not yet performed


ALVS Involvement


Blocking Documentary Control


Physical Inspection


Non-blocking Documentary Control


No open controls

ICS - Import Clearance Status

An expand section is below with all the potential codes which may be received.


The following table lists the ICS codes and their descriptions for uncleared status.




CHIEF Equivalent 

Declaration Validation


The declaration is currently within validation and is not yet accepted, registered or rejected.  Not currently produced.


N.B. Not Currently Used By CDS


Declaration Correction Validation


The amendment for the declaration is currently within validation and is not yet registered or rejected. Not currently produced.


N.B. Not Currently Used By CDS


Advance Declaration Registration


A pre-lodged declaration has been registered by CDS.



Declaration Acceptance


A declaration has passed validation and been accepted by CDS.



Declaration Acceptance at Goods Arrival


A declaration has been accepted by CDS after submission of a Goods Arrival Notice.



Declaration Corrected


The declaration has been successfully amended.



Declaration Supplemented


Declaration Supplemented. Not currently produced.


N.B. Not Currently Used By CDS


Declaration Risked


Notification that the declaration has now been risked and will contain a specific ROE code.


Customs Position Determined


CDS has taken a customs position on the declaration following the control process, this status is typically transient. Where control is passed, then the process continues to the next step. Where control fails, then Customs may decide to invalidate the declaration. CDS will only remain on this status where immediate payment is still outstanding.


Insufficient Guarantees


Will be sent as part of a Declaration Status Notification to inform of the need for the trader to take action when there is an issue with funds associated within any account-based method of payment

(5)    deferment account

(ii) cash account

(iii) guarantee account

Suggests insufficient guarantees and that there may be a delay to the declaration processing due to accounting.  


Not produced for Inventory Linked Exports.


Declaration Received


A declaration has been received and confirmed schema-valid by CDS.



Provisional Customs Debt Calculated & Covered


Provisional customs debt has been calculated and coverage provided.


Not produced for Inventory Linked Exports.


Final Customs Debt Calculated & Covered


Finalised customs debt has been calculated and coverage provided


Not produced for Inventory Linked Exports.


Declaration Amended Due To Partial Or No Quota Allocation


The declaration has been amended as a result of partial or no quota allocation.


Not produced for Inventory Linked Exports.


The following table list the ICS codes and their descriptions for cleared status




CHIEF Equivalent 

Declaration Goods Release


This status will be received once the declaration has a positive customs position, but either control or the debt is provisional. However, the goods can be released.

Please note goods can be released even if a non-blocking control is present. However, a declaration cannot be cleared until all controls (including non-blocking ones) are closed.


Declaration Clearance


This status will be received once the declaration has a positive customs position and the control/debt is finalised. The majority of declarations will move to this status and skip release.


Declaration Handled Externally


If the decision has been taken to take the declaration off system. This will happen extremely rarely, e.g. when a declaration with 999 items receives a partial quota allocation. 


Declaration Clearance after Goods Release


If the declaration reached a state allowing release of goods, but not clearance of the declaration, and was then subsequently cleared, this notification is sent upon clearance.




Goods Exists Results ReceivedDeclaration Completed Successfully


All declaration processing has been successfully completed.






CHIEF Equivalent 

Declaration Invalidated


This status will be received as part of a Declaration Status Notification, once the decision has been taken to invalidate the declaration.

92 / 07 / 09 / 05

Declaration Rejected


If the declaration is rejected. 


Declaration Rejection at Goods Arrival


If the declaration fails re-validation at the point of arrival, then this notification will be sent to CSPs. This status will also be used for pre-lodged cancellations by traders, and invalidations due to the goods not being arrived on time.

R (export SOE)

Continue reading:

Declaration status flow

Handling rejections / failures

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