VC v2024.2
Release Date | 05/07/2024 |
Other Application Requirements |
Warnings or Notices |
EDI File Specification Changes
Important modifications to the incoming or outgoing EDI services, which you may need to inform your customers about should you need to.
New Features
New features added to the system and improvements to existing features will be contained in this section.
Summary | Issue key | Issue Type | Description | Linked to |
EDI API integration - response logging | VC-3476 | Improvement | Logging of the response returned from the EDI API visible in the Warehouse Submissions screen Audit tab. | VC-3722 |
Customer SO Fulfilment Report | VC-3670 | Improvement | Allocation screen changes to allow committing with or without a back order for lines coloured yellow (orders which can only be partially allocated), a checkbox for sending the fulfilment report is also available on this screen. SOP documents updated to allow the generation of this new report which details stocks ordered, allocated, and whether stocks were added to a separate back order or not. | RFC-1274 |
Bugs and Issues
Normally reported by customers through the support ticket portal.
Summary | Issue key | Issue Type | Affects versions | Description | Linked to |
PO invoicing - invalid nominals | VC-3547 | Bug | 2023.4.0 | In POP VAT Analysis there was no warning when invalid nominals were used. Also there was no entry created in Accounts Posting Maintenance "Failed" tab if a PO was not saved before invoicing. |
Product maintenance - customs duty | VC-3546 | Bug | 2024.3.0 | When using a duty code with a "litres of alcohol" based rate, custom duty was calculated and displayed incorrectly. |
Stock movement posting - failing and posting multiple times | VC-3729 | Bug | 2024.1.2 | When posting the Stock Movements journals over into Xero, it can state that it failed when it has posted across correctly. | VSUP-34117 |
SOP documents - pending invoices total for EP orders | VC-3728 | Bug | 2024.1.2 | When looking at an EP order in the "Pending Invoices" tab, the "Total" column showed doubled, however the invoice generated was correct. | VSUP-34141/34200 |
Stock movement posting - journal posting failure | VC-3727 | Bug | 2024.1.2 | When posting the journals, it was failing as the account code was not being set correctly. | VSUP-34117 |
Stock adjustment - multiple lines | VC-3725 | Bug | 2023.4.3 | When adding multiple lines to a stock adjustment with same product code but different rotation numbers, the adjustment is only applied to one line. | VSUP-34101 |
POP - duty paid read only | VC-3721 | Bug | 2024.1.1 | For Products without a Product Type Code, the "Duty Paid" tickbox was read only on the Purchase Order, some products showed a Product Type Code in Product Maintenance however that was derived from the commodity code instead of being retrieved from the database. | VSUP-34023/VCC-2636 |
Account sync - archived accounts | VC-3535 | Bug | 2023.3.1 | When synchronising customers to the accounts system, it included accounts that had a status of 'Archived' which would not be returned from Xero, so should not have been included. | Multi |
Invoice report 312 - layout issue | VC-3726 | Bug | 2024.1.2 | The outline box on the top right was out of place when the header is turned off in Report Manager. | VSUP-34100 |
API SO - pick instructions | VC-3716 | Issue | 2024.1.2 | For sales orders submitted to the API, the pick instructions are now defaulted from the customer record, unless a delivery point has been used then take from there instead. | VC-3715 |
SO - line entry with stock availability issue | VC-3524 | Issue | 2024.3.0 | Sales order line items continued to show "insufficient stock" validation after changing to a sufficient product rotation from an insufficient product rotation. |
Customer delivery address - credit card details | VC-3469 | Issue | 2023.1.0 | Credit card details can no longer be saved against customer delivery addresses. |
Sales order - order from price list | VC-3699 | Issue | 2024.1.1 | Price list button will now return entries from system price lists as well as customer price lists, this screen is now quicker to load and the warning message which appears when a product added to an order does not exist on the customers price list now checks system price lists too. | VSUP-33757 |
Other Release Notes
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